Tag Archives: little-lovin

Who Looked More Bangin? Black And Yellow Edition: Wiz Khalifa Mom And Amber Rose Literally Bring The Song To Life

Wiz’s Mom is clearly black, and Lord knows Amber a** is yellow. Meeting the parentals though?? Homie, please don’t tell us you’re open off this hoe, we wouldn’t want your mother being exposed to that H1Slut1 virus… What do you think they talked about? Caption this.

Read more from the original source:
Who Looked More Bangin? Black And Yellow Edition: Wiz Khalifa Mom And Amber Rose Literally Bring The Song To Life

Secrets Married Couples Don’t Tell You

Married couples belong to a secret society that no one is privy to before walking down the aisle. Notice how all of them relate on some level, instantly connecting through small talk. It’s because they know things that you don’t and have no intention of sharing, primarily because single people are lepers in the married community. They want you to think life is a Caribbean beach when that’s really only 10 percent of the journey. The rest is a daily routine sprinkled with bickering and a little lovin’. Want to know what it’s really like in the Marryhood? Check out nine secrets married couples don’t tell you at MadameNoire.com

Excerpt from:
Secrets Married Couples Don’t Tell You