Cindy Crawford is lovely as fuck. Sure she’s old, tired, washed up, haggard even, but I think she’s a delicate flower still in bloom, despite what her menopause and dried up pussy is saying. Maybe I have a soft spot for 1993, when she really fucking mattered, and I have a hard time moving on, or maybe I just like bitches with moles. But I am going to assume it’s got more to do with running into her on the street once as she was getting out of her town car and walking into her hotel, and we exchanged glances, and when our eyes locked, part of me died, because it was amazing, magical and exactly how she worked the camera….reminding me that she’s fuckin’ good at looking good and here she is proving she’s still got it for Harper’s Bazaar Spain….
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Cindy Crawford’s Still Got it for Harper’s Bazaar Spain of the Day