Tag Archives: spread-opened

Drunk Couple Fighting of the Day

I am pretty into this beach party that I assume it is in Florida, but I could be wrong, it’s just up on that Florida level of class and sophistication…where the Hulk Hogan family are the top tier…wit all their jacked up trucks and bathsalt smoking bitch falling all over herself…the only thing that would make this better is if she was doing lines of meth off her brother’s dick in the outhouse…or if her tits were spilling of her her shirt like they were her ass in those pants… All this to say, I love romance when it looks like this…and more importantly, that I think I’m in love.

Excerpt from:
Drunk Couple Fighting of the Day

Drunk Couple Fighting of the Day

I am pretty into this beach party that I assume it is in Florida, but I could be wrong, it’s just up on that Florida level of class and sophistication…where the Hulk Hogan family are the top tier…wit all their jacked up trucks and bathsalt smoking bitch falling all over herself…the only thing that would make this better is if she was doing lines of meth off her brother’s dick in the outhouse…or if her tits were spilling of her her shirt like they were her ass in those pants… All this to say, I love romance when it looks like this…and more importantly, that I think I’m in love.

Excerpt from:
Drunk Couple Fighting of the Day

Kelly Brook Big Titties for Instagram of the Day

I wonder if Kelly Brook knows why people like her? I am going to assume by this instagram pic that she knows exactly what her worth is. She knows why she gets jobs. Why she makes money. Why people notice her. What people follow her on the internet and why people care. She knows what people want from her…and she’s really subtle about it… I always like a girl who isn’t blatant about her sexuality. You know the kind of girl who knows how to tease and seduce without putting it all out there…because you’d think a girl of Kelly Brook’s fame would just be spread opened for the world to see her uterus…a uterus that has failed at pregnancy at least once…because she’s really that kind of slut…but instead she just pulls her titties out…what a lady.

See the article here:
Kelly Brook Big Titties for Instagram of the Day

Kelly Brook Big Titties for Instagram of the Day

I wonder if Kelly Brook knows why people like her? I am going to assume by this instagram pic that she knows exactly what her worth is. She knows why she gets jobs. Why she makes money. Why people notice her. What people follow her on the internet and why people care. She knows what people want from her…and she’s really subtle about it… I always like a girl who isn’t blatant about her sexuality. You know the kind of girl who knows how to tease and seduce without putting it all out there…because you’d think a girl of Kelly Brook’s fame would just be spread opened for the world to see her uterus…a uterus that has failed at pregnancy at least once…because she’s really that kind of slut…but instead she just pulls her titties out…what a lady.

See the article here:
Kelly Brook Big Titties for Instagram of the Day

Cindy Crawford’s Still Got it for Harper’s Bazaar Spain of the Day

Cindy Crawford is lovely as fuck. Sure she’s old, tired, washed up, haggard even, but I think she’s a delicate flower still in bloom, despite what her menopause and dried up pussy is saying. Maybe I have a soft spot for 1993, when she really fucking mattered, and I have a hard time moving on, or maybe I just like bitches with moles. But I am going to assume it’s got more to do with running into her on the street once as she was getting out of her town car and walking into her hotel, and we exchanged glances, and when our eyes locked, part of me died, because it was amazing, magical and exactly how she worked the camera….reminding me that she’s fuckin’ good at looking good and here she is proving she’s still got it for Harper’s Bazaar Spain….

Read more from the original source:
Cindy Crawford’s Still Got it for Harper’s Bazaar Spain of the Day

Camille Rowe Models Bikinis for Seafolly of the Day

I’ve posted PICS OF Camille Rowe Naked and Half Naked a few times before….because I like to keep track of these models who are willing to get naked to get ahead, which happen to be all models, because the ones who don’t get naked never get to the level where any of us will ever know they exist. They are more the kind that do local wedding dress fashion shows and shit you don’t care about and will never masturbate to, but that give them an ego because none of their friends are having low level catalog pictures taken of them….. I’m more into real models, who get paid a lot of money to strip down, it’s just the idea that fashion turns a normal hot chick into a stripper that fires me up….not to mention their bodies in pictures are awesome to look at….even when I know their bodies in person are probably 6 foot tall, broad and scary as shit. All this to say, Camille Rowe is from France and that means she has anal sex on the first date after some wine and cheese…..and that just makes her better.

Read this article:
Camille Rowe Models Bikinis for Seafolly of the Day

A Few More Candice Swanepoel for Vogue Australia of the DAy

This body blows me the fuck away….I posted a bunch of these Vogue Australia PICS the other day, but more have been leaked, and they involve her pantsless, and despite not being spread opened wide enough that I can see her soul, is still fucking hot to me, because these legs, that fit stomach, and that little model booty is just fucking glorious…it makes me want to go mining in her womb for some South African blood diamonds…with my penis… I’m a fan.

Continued here:
A Few More Candice Swanepoel for Vogue Australia of the DAy

A Few More Candice Swanepoel for Vogue Australia of the DAy

This body blows me the fuck away….I posted a bunch of these Vogue Australia PICS the other day, but more have been leaked, and they involve her pantsless, and despite not being spread opened wide enough that I can see her soul, is still fucking hot to me, because these legs, that fit stomach, and that little model booty is just fucking glorious…it makes me want to go mining in her womb for some South African blood diamonds…with my penis… I’m a fan.

A Few More Candice Swanepoel for Vogue Australia of the DAy