Tag Archives: lives-because

Audrina Does Maxim of the Day

Audrina may be a fucking idiot with fake tits who I can’t stand because she is on The Hills, who for the most part isn’t as hot as she is hyped up to be, but she’s got a pretty good body, especially after it’s been photoshopped to shit. I guess the real shocker about this bitch is that she didn’t end up in porn or stripping, something her fake tits at a young age would make you think was part of the plan, but instead ended up on mainstream TV

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Audrina Does Maxim of the Day

Kourtney Kardashian and Her Pregnancy on the Beach of the Day

You know what the Kardashians need, another Kardashian to add to their pack and really convince the world that they are an actual rat infestation and not just pretending to be one. You know a group of rodents who have come to pollute and annoy our fuckin’ lives because as they stand now, there are only four of them and sure that is enough disgusting to really annoy a mother fucker, especially when you can’t poison or trap them, but it is not quite enough to make a motherfucker go completely crazy, they kind of just teeter back and forth on the cusp of a motherfucker’s sanity, but luckily Kourtney has taken it upon herself to change that by getting knocked the fuckup by a white dude, something as the third “K” in the family she had to do because she completely her dad’s plan of being the “KKK” girls and as the KKK you kinda need to avoid dick that isn’t your own, or some shit and here she is sitting in the bikini bottoms she shoulda left on the night this asshole knocked her up

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Kourtney Kardashian and Her Pregnancy on the Beach of the Day