This is some weirdness, even by my standards, and I have no standards… The story goes like this…dude’s dating a bitch, she always wants to marry him, he doesn’t pull the trigger, cuz guys don’t like getting married…she ends up having a car accident, dying, and he lives realizes the only way to cope, is to honor his promise to her to marry her and give her that wedding she always wanted, even though she’s dead and missed the fucking boat…. Sure, if you marry a corpse marriage becomes easy, bitch won’t tell him what to do, who to fuck, or nag him for drinking with his buddies too late or not take out the garbage…she won’t bug him to go antiquing, or even refuse him sex….especially anal…so long as he keeps her in the fucking fridge…cuz a rotting wife stinks and when the inards of the bitch fall all over you as you’re doing her up the ass and she breaks cuz you’ve let her dry out, you’ll have a hard time getting the stains out of your mind. That said, this is probably all a publicity stunt.
Read more:
Some Thai Dude Married His Dead Girlfriend of the Day