Tag Archives: looking-blondes

Naked Hipster in Water of the Day

Her name is Melodi Meadows … shot by ASHER MOSS in what they are calling a “Moss + Meadows” production – that I guess involves a guy with a camera and a girl he is sleeping with coming up with a few concepts to shoot together that start to generate some buzz, you know like she’s his muse or some shit…kinda lame…but whatever…I’m not hating…..I promote production. But at least she gets naked… You see..I like seeing all girls…at all levels of fame, fortune, success or eagerness/desperation….I think getting them naked on camera, or shooting the willing girls with my camera is awesome…it’s more interesting than the big production corporate bullshit we’re fed, now I don’t believe in artistic vision, I think that whole concept is hokey as fuck and an excuse, but I do believe in tits, wet tits, on any and all girls…which I guess is exactly what this is…. Would I produce something similar, no. Do I find it that amazing…not really. Is it worth watching…sure….

The rest is here:
Naked Hipster in Water of the Day

Sahara Ray and Briana King for Some Shoe Company of the Day

Sahara Ray Sahara Ray is one of those instagram models who works. It’s like every once in a while these girls come out of the woodwork, establish a fan base, and have amazing tits that they aren’t shy to show, carry them into an actual career…and a lot of the times when that happens…I think the girl is overrated and it isn’t justified…like with Emily Rat-Cow…It’s like stick to working retail, or being a bottle service girl, your quest for VOGUE and celebrity isn’t holding casting calls at the Urban Outfitters you work at…but every once in a while…I fall in love and write poems for these girls…poems I want to get made into movies because they are so fantastic…and by poems I mean porns. Autocorrect Fail. Anyway…Sahara Ray is the gold in a world of low level try hard losers with cameras staging photoshoots… These are done by someone named JAI PHOTO check ‘em out…when you’re done staring at this greatness… The black model is BRIANA KING , I’ve never heard of her but assume she’s Martin Luther King’s Grand Daughter and Rodney King’s Daughter…because they have the same name… I am more into Sahara Ray, but not because I’m racist, I love black girls..it’s just I love Sahara Ray more…you know about the desert more than the people living on the desert…that was a little blacks are from Africa and This girls Name is from Africa geographic humor that wasn’t funny for you. I’m so versatile…

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Sahara Ray and Briana King for Some Shoe Company of the Day

Alyssa Arce for Yume Magazine of the Day

Alyssa Arce is some Playboy chick who I was convinced was going to change the face of Playboy. Because Playboy fell into the fucking gutter for two reasons. The first is because Hef got old and started choosing tranny looking blondes from the 90s, in the 2010s. It’s not his fault, he peaked int he 60s and rode that wave and brand proper for a long fucking time. The other reason is Manwin now Mindgeek…the owners of every porntube site, even the ones you don’t think they own, the company that destroyed porn, licensed the brand to handle their online sites for half a billion dollars and started using any girl they could find in the lowest caliber stripclub…diluting the quality of the pics and girls and pretty much sucking… But then…Alyssa Arce came along…with her massive tits and hipster vibe and I thought what a perfect crossover girl…who does fashion and nudity, perfect…. So here she is in some other magazine, not playboy and not naked….which is a bummer because I’ve posted her named HERE , HERE , HERE and HERE and I think she looks a lot better….but these pics are ok too…

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Alyssa Arce for Yume Magazine of the Day