Tag Archives: looks-retarded

Izabel Goulart Naked in Harper’s Bazzar Spain of the Day

I posted the cover picture of a pantsless Izabel Goulart and now the rest of the pics dropped. It’s friday, it’s nice out, what the fuck am I bothering with posting pics of some model pussy, that’s not exposed, and not on my dick, or in my mouth, running a marathon on my face with no legs…..I just don’t know, but let’s call it social anxiety, coupled with laziness, coupled with agoraphobia, coupled with an addiction of posting nonsense on the internet….. Warning. She is from Brazil and may have a dick.

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Izabel Goulart Naked in Harper’s Bazzar Spain of the Day

Lisa Rinna Sweaty Twat of the Day

I still don’t know what Lisa Rinna does…. Lisa Rinna , I mean other than POSING FOR PLAYBOY IN HER OLD AGE …. But I do know that her face pussy went through a face pussy reduction….and I also know that here she is sweating from her pussy pretty aggressively…at least I assume that is sweat….even though I know with her age, the sweating of her pussy is the least of her pussy concerns….partially cuz you know what she did to her upper lips…there is no way her lower lips came out unscathed….but more importantly….she’s old, menopausal and possibly drippy/soggy in the box….without even factoring in all the cock she’s likely had over the years….you know cuz you don’t get on websites with a wet pussy being a good, wholesome girl… To See The Rest of the Pics Follow this Link

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Lisa Rinna Sweaty Twat of the Day

Brooklyn Decker Half Naked in DT Magazine of the Day

I always laugh about Brooklyn Decker because she looks retarded, like a real waterhead you see in the institution, and I know she only got the SI cover cuz she’s married to a pro athlete who has the same agents and managers, sponsors who feed SI their ads, stories, an give them access….making them pretty much obliged to deliver…..and at least she had the titties to justify that hand out….. Unfortunately, she’s not as good at being a retard as her face is, cuz all the retards I know are jerking off all the fucking time, making their retard growns, in all the inappropriate places, and not getting arrested for it cuz they’re retards….but she is in lingerie…and sure that’s not a few fingers deep between pussy lips but it is something.

Brooklyn Decker Half Naked in DT Magazine of the Day

Brooklyn Decker See Through Titty Pic of the Day

I am the only dude in the world who is not into Brooklyn Decker… I think she looks retarded, and I feel like I’ve got to the point in my life, where I don’t need to have sex with retarded girls anymore, mainly because I dont work at the retard facility anymore, and I don’t have to watch them masturbating all day, but also because I’ve grown as a person, and have left those days behind me, mainly because retard bitches are hard to get access to, behind those barbed wire and electric fences… I don’t know what I’m talking about, but I am convinced Broolyn Decker is only in the media because she married a tennis pro with the most powerful serve…a guy who can get his sports agents and sponsors to force an SI cover… But she does have great tits, and at least she’s not being a cunt about showing them, and is instead showing them, cuz there’s nothing worse than an actor or model who hides her tits based on some basic conservative christian principles that no one else in the world follows…

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Brooklyn Decker See Through Titty Pic of the Day

Katy Perry Sloppy as Fuck in her Workout Gear of the Day

I think Katy Perry has one leg shorter than the other, or some other inbred shit is going on, because everytime I see her in motion, I think bitch is a fuckin’ retard who somehow escaped the institution because her retardation wasn’t anything too debilitating that she couldn’t get by on her own, she just has to look like a wonky drunken handicapped person when walking, which doesn’t really get in the way, but still looks retarded….but not as retarded as her body…seriously….this girl is build like a garbage bag filled with dog shit…she is disgusting no matter how strong her push up bra squeezes her fat gut into cleavage worth fucking and here she is in workout gear despite the fact that her stomach makes it pretty clear there is no fucking way she does anything in the gym beyond squeezing her sloppy body into the workout gear…she’s a fucking lie and that’s all I have to say about that… Pics via Fame

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Katy Perry Sloppy as Fuck in her Workout Gear of the Day