So he told you he was unhappy and that he wished he met you three years ago. He says that they sleep in separate beds and he is only with her for the kids. He even told you he was looking for a place and asked you to help him. Sweetheart, I’m sorry to break it to you but he is lying. He is not going anywhere and you’re being played for a fool… Ladies, let me tell you a few secrets about men. To begin with they crave stability. Even if he is so called ‘unhappy’ at home its unlikely that he will uproot himself and go look for another place to live alone, his woman will have to leave him first. Men are also smarter than we think. They can sense weakness and desperation a mile away and take advantage of a woman if she allows him too. If he can have his cake and eat it too, trust me he will. Continued at
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Woman To Woman: He Is Not Leaving Her…