Tag Archives: loves-hookers

Is the U.S. Government Spying on a Tiny Secret-Sharing Website? [Espionage]

Wikileaks.org is a website legendary in certain circles for posting documents people want hidden from the world. The Pentagon is not a fan. Now, Wikileaks is accusing the U.S. of spying on its editors. Tonight, Wikileaks tweeted that it was “currently under an aggressive US and Icelandic surveillance operation,” and provided a few creepy details: These might sound like the paranoid rantings of an Internet nutjob, but coming from Wikileaks we are inclined to the believe them: In 2008, the Pentagon commissioned a report on the site, which found that “‘WikiLeaks.org represents a potential force protection, counterintelligence, OPSEC and INFOSEC threat to the U.S. Army’ – or, in plain English, a threat to Army operations and information,” according to the Times . (Wikileaks posted the report to its site last week.) Wikileaks, which is run by a 9-person advisory board, has built a reputation based on its impressive record of posting secret documents like the ones that threaten the U.S. Army. These include emails hacked from Sarah Palin’s private account, 570,000 pager messages from 9/11 and the infamous climate change scientist emails. They have also posted sensitive U.S. military documents—most prominently the standard operating procedures for Guantanamo Bay. Judging from their tweets, Wikileaks believes the surveillance is related to an upcoming presentation where they will show unencrypted footage of a May 7 U.S. airstrike in Afghanistan which killed 97 civilians: The Pentagon had originally planned to show the video as proof that it had conducted the operation appropriately, despite having used airbursting bombs with civilians in the area. They later back-pedaled , likely because video was actually more incriminating than they first believed. Wikileaks obtained a copy of the encrypted video, and in January they tweeted “Have encrypted videos of US bomb strikes on civilians… we need super computer time.” They must have got that super computer time, and now U.S. authorities may be acting positively Chinese. Secret-sharing websites like Wikileaks have proven adept at dealing with legal challenges: When Cryptone.org was shut down by Microsoft earlier this year a mirror site was up within hours. But pissing off the government regarding national security matters is a whole other level. If anything happens to Wikileaks, you know who is responsible. (If you’re wondering what the editors were doing in Iceland: Wikileaks is currently helping draft legislation that would make the country a safe haven for investigative journalists. Ha!)

Original post:
Is the U.S. Government Spying on a Tiny Secret-Sharing Website? [Espionage]

Russian Newsweek EIC Loves Hookers, Blow [Drugs]

Just like angry former expat Matt Taibbi , the editor-in-chief of the Russian edition of Newsweek , Mikhail Fishman , likes to party the Moscow way. But it may all be a set up by the Kremlin. Or maybe not. Who knows? The Daily Beast’s Michael Idov recaps the titillating story that involves cops, political activists, models/prostitutes, sex and drugs. Says opposition activist Ilya Yashin: One night she called me up and asked me to come to her apartment right away. She said she had a surprise for me. The surprise was Nastya, and both of them dragged me into bed as soon as I came through the door. I’d be lying if I said I resisted. Everything was fine until Katya produced a whole pile of sex toys: dildos, whips, handcuffs, ball gags.” Is having a little fun with some pretty ladies and some party drugs such a bad thing? Not everyone thinks so: Let me get this straight,” wrote Ilya Krasilschik, the editor of Afisha magazine, commenting on a Facebook status update after the scandal broke and summing up much of the popular sentiment. “You fight the regime, and in exchange the regime brings you free chicks and blow? Duly noted.” Noted, indeed! The video, in Russian, shows Fishman chopping up a mysterious powder next to a half-naked woman. It gets good at 3:37, maybe NSFW: [ Image via ]

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Russian Newsweek EIC Loves Hookers, Blow [Drugs]