Justin Bieber’s sex offending molester, Selena Gomez, who was 18 when he was 16, but still fucked him even though it was a against the law, because these kids are so spoiled, entitled, and rich due to parental exploitation, that involved praising them so that they would perform like dancing monkeys on command so they got the big pay day… are above the law… Well they aren’t above trying to be high concept, because Selena posted this picture of a picture, with a vague caption…of what looks like it could be 1970s style erotica, ass out, skirt up…but that I can’t really figure out, because in her artistic, high concept hustle, she used flash…intentionally, because that’s how high concept artists do…and for some reason, a reason I call you being a weirdo pervert, I believe you can totally masturbate to this…because porn is boring, while scrambled possibly erotica…is just something different…
See more here:
Selena Gomez’s Slutty and Weird Polaroid of the Day