Tag Archives: made-the-driver

Cindy Crawford Old and Hot in Tight Clothes for Tatler of the Day

Cindy Crawford is amazing. Many years ago, I was standing on a street corner as I often do, because I don’t have a job and never really know how to fill up my days and an SUV pulled up next to me….and this tall, amazing looking woman got out….it was Cindy Crawford, I was next to her hotel, it wasn’t like she made the driver pull over to sit on my face, as most girls do, but she did smile at me, or maybe she was laughing at me, as she walked into the hotel, and part of me died…because I realized they don’t make crackwhores this good….and I only have sex with crackwhores…and I will always only have sex with crackwhores…and this Cindy Crawford bitch opened a door to a new world…a world I’m not invited into…except when looking, and by looking I mean masturbating to her photoshoot pics….even though she’s 50 something and that alone is normally disgusting…but she is defies all odds…or some shit….who cares…look at the pics.

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Cindy Crawford Old and Hot in Tight Clothes for Tatler of the Day