Tag Archives: magic-tricks

Comedian And Magician Carl-Einar Häckner

I’m not a fan of magic tricks, but at least this dude is better than David Blaine

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Comedian And Magician Carl-Einar Häckner

Comedian And Magician Carl-Einar Häckner

I’m not a fan of magic tricks, but at least this dude is better than David Blaine

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Comedian And Magician Carl-Einar Häckner

Reporter Witnesses Magic Trick, Freaks the Eff Out

Do you believe in magic? What about hilarious responses to magic tricks that go viral and cause a couple of news anchors to laugh at their on-location reporter? That’s what happened to KTLA’s Allie MacKay this week when she assisted Justin Willman with a trick… sorry, Gob Bluth , with an illusion . Watch her priceless reaction to it here, but note: Willman says MacKay did not actually curse and he added in the bleep himself for comedic effect. Hey, it works! Reporter Freaked Out by Magic Trick

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Reporter Witnesses Magic Trick, Freaks the Eff Out