Tag Archives: laugh-at-their

Selena Gomez Ass of the Day

You’re probably looking at Selena Gomez’s ass, trying to decide how many times Bieber came in it, maybe even wondering if he took her anal virginity, or if that happened in an office at Disney when her mom was treating those early auditions as if they were “doctor visits”, in a “this will only hurt a minute”….”do it for our Mexican Familey”….but I keep looking at her puffy little face that makes me laugh.. She looks like a Disney Cartoon character, and I doubt that is a coincidence, they probably made her in a lab…and her tits aren’t the only fake thing on her… Sure they pretend it is Lupus meds, the steroids making her inflate…but there’s no fun in that story…I mean that almost makes me feel bad, seeing as I know people who died prematurely from Lupus…but when you separate real life, and these idiots living the fantasy life…who gives a fuck if they have a terminal illness, when you can just laugh at their face. TO SEE THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Selena Gomez Ass of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Selena Gomez Ass of the Day

Dog Rides Roomba, Terrifies Furry Friends

Sorry, felines. You aren’t the only animals who can go viral by taking a ride on a Roomba. One month after a cat in a shark costume jumped on board this cleaning tool and took the Internet by storm, a dog named Buster Beans has gone ahead and done the same. Much to the fear of a couple furry friends! Watch Buster roll up to his puppy pals in the following Vine video, laugh at their reaction and then compare these antics to the aforementioned, shark-loving cat: Dog Rides Roomba Shark Cat Rides Roomba

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Dog Rides Roomba, Terrifies Furry Friends

Reporter Witnesses Magic Trick, Freaks the Eff Out

Do you believe in magic? What about hilarious responses to magic tricks that go viral and cause a couple of news anchors to laugh at their on-location reporter? That’s what happened to KTLA’s Allie MacKay this week when she assisted Justin Willman with a trick… sorry, Gob Bluth , with an illusion . Watch her priceless reaction to it here, but note: Willman says MacKay did not actually curse and he added in the bleep himself for comedic effect. Hey, it works! Reporter Freaked Out by Magic Trick

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Reporter Witnesses Magic Trick, Freaks the Eff Out