Tag Archives: since-models

Selena Gomez Ass of the Day

You’re probably looking at Selena Gomez’s ass, trying to decide how many times Bieber came in it, maybe even wondering if he took her anal virginity, or if that happened in an office at Disney when her mom was treating those early auditions as if they were “doctor visits”, in a “this will only hurt a minute”….”do it for our Mexican Familey”….but I keep looking at her puffy little face that makes me laugh.. She looks like a Disney Cartoon character, and I doubt that is a coincidence, they probably made her in a lab…and her tits aren’t the only fake thing on her… Sure they pretend it is Lupus meds, the steroids making her inflate…but there’s no fun in that story…I mean that almost makes me feel bad, seeing as I know people who died prematurely from Lupus…but when you separate real life, and these idiots living the fantasy life…who gives a fuck if they have a terminal illness, when you can just laugh at their face. TO SEE THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Selena Gomez Ass of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Selena Gomez Ass of the Day

Rosalind Lipsett’s Modelbombing of the Day

Last year, while on set for Bikini shoot, Irish model and comedic actress Rosalind Lipsett came up with Model Bombing and brought it to life… She said “Modelbombing is the act of turning the world into your own fashion photoshoot or runway and anyone can do it.” It is like a photobomb – trolling people…making them question what the hell is going on…but you gotta be I guess you need to be a model to do it, otherwise you just look like an asshole…since models can’t look like assholes…because you’re too busy trying to look at their assholes to care.. All this to say, she’s decided to take her comedy to the next level, by Modelbombing in Venice, only this time she Social Networks in person, and hands out signed 8 x 10s to people who have never heard of her before, but who like her and pretend they have heard of her, because she’s hot as fuck… The post Rosalind Lipsett’s Modelbombing of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rosalind Lipsett’s Modelbombing of the Day

Abbey Clancy is December 3 for Love Magazines Advent of the Day

Nothing screams Christmas like a model washing a car, because that would probably be the only time you’d ever be able to convince a model to wash a car, at least if you were a billionaire she was trying to prove she wasn’t just a gold digger for, unless she spent all her money on coke…which I doubt, since models get coke for free… Point being, everyday is Christmas when you get to stare at girls like this…doing things like this…and you don’t need a birth of Jesus or a tree to jerk off to it…right… I don’t know it that was the actual point I wanted to make…but either way…this may not be anything Christmas, but then again either is Christmas, but it is a Christmas miracle.. Love Magazine

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Abbey Clancy is December 3 for Love Magazines Advent of the Day

Cora Keegan Naked for Fashion of the Day

Cora Keegan is amazing…she’s one of those hipster models who probably is so hipster she hates being called a hipster because hipsters are so mainstream….but she’s got a bush and has a willingness to show her tits in photoshoots that I can’t imagine she got paid for but because she had nothing better to do since models only work a day a fucking month.. All this to say, I’ve been writing her love poems, love songs and I don’t even sing, I’ve carved her name into my thigh and sent her pics of what she does to me, she’s just that good…so these titty pics may not be her best work, but they involve her and that makes them better than anything else… Cora Keegan, if that’s your real name…I miss us.

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Cora Keegan Naked for Fashion of the Day