Elizabeth Banks is disgusting….. She was the 35 year old bitch cast to play Miri in Zack and Miri make a porno….Totally unfortunate move on the part of the people who were behind the movie…because lets face it….if we’re watching a movie about a motherfucker making a porno with his friend he falls in love with…at least make the bitch someone I want to see fuck…. Now Vanity Fair has gone and put her in a one piece bathing suit, doing some Marilyn Monroe fat chick themed shit…. It is not her fault…she’s pushing 40…. Either way, Looking Good Sweetheart. Horrible.
Their names are: Juno Temple, Haley Bennett, Roxeanne Mesquida and Christine Nguyen. I have never heard of any of them cuz they are foreign… The movie called Kaboom. I have never heard of it….cuz it is foreign…. So think of this as your injection of culture…you know the kind of shit you can use on an internet date in second life…to make the bitch think you know what’s up…a little “Juno Temple was riveting in Kaboom”, kinda shit…. But apparently it’s out on DVD May 31, 2011, so that makes these nudes some kind of exclusive, if you knew who any of these bitches were or if you were kicking yourself cuz you missed the shit when it was in your arthouse theater…right….. I just IMDBed the shit, it’s a Gregg Araki movie…I guess it’s not the foreign after all… he is responsible for Rose McGowan’s tits in Doom Generation – a cinematic hall of fame moment – he is also japanese…here are the clips anyway….watch them for Japan… Haley Bennett Roxeanne Mesquida, Haley Bennett and Roxeanne Mesquida, Juno Temple Christine Nguyen Kaboom….. FOLLOW ME