Tag Archives: haley bennett

Haley Bennett for GQ of the Day

Haley Bennett is some up and coming 28 year old actor I don’t think I’ve ever heard of, but I am too lazy to figure it out, not because she’s too old, even though she’s getting there, but because she’s got great tits and thanks to those great tits is about to have her breakout…. She’s in Magnificent Seven, that Girl on a Train shit, and other movies…like the industry has selected her up on some Scarlett Johansson, Margot Robbie, other girls who have become superstars because of great agents and the scam that is Hollywood trying to keep budget high so everyone can get rich in the dumbest of way…playing make-belief…but maybe we’re the dumb ones who allow it…I blame being blinded by her tits as so does media…on her slow and steady attempt to become a household name…that I predict will happen….because of tits… Here’s the BTS Video…of the TIts… The post Haley Bennett for GQ of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Haley Bennett for GQ of the Day

Doutzen Kroes for Glamour of the Day

Get fired from Victoria’s Secret for being a greedy cunt, or whatever they fired her for, and get really fucking fit and hot…that’s the life plan of mom of many mix raced DJ babies – DJ whore and model Doutzen Kroes… I know what you’re thinking, and that is that Doutzen doesn’t matter, she is insignificant, interchangeable, proven by the brand that fired her – they are still in business, they have replaced her, they haven’t lost sales because of her leaving the company, they probably don’t even remember her bratty and annoying bullshit….meaning she is fucking replaceable…. Not to mention, her touring DJ baby daddy, probably replaces her all the time when on the road, because masturbation for DJs usually involves fucking girls….who like the DJ…and there are lots of them, even Victorias Secret models…. There are countless other models willing to get naked to get ahead…but I still think this DOUTZEN shoot is a rockin’ magical body worth looking at…because it is… The post Doutzen Kroes for Glamour of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Doutzen Kroes for Glamour of the Day

Maryna Linchuk Belarusian Model Posing Hot of the Day

Maryna Linchuk reminds us all, as so many models before her – that communism works… I don’t know what this Maryna Linchuk photoshoot is for…I don’t know where Belarus is, but it brings up an image of concrete, grayness, and poverty or struggle…political graffiti and blown out lives…. I like that when I google Belarus – Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic comes up…it just reaffirms how great communism was for creating so many models that are tall, strong, thin, and hot as fuck…it makes me think of this world full of beautiful women, like I am some kind of Christopher Columbus out to discover the free world…all when it was built off not being free… The nice thing about Maryna Linchuk is that she’s hot and brings hope…the nice thing about war torn Russia is that when you buy a Linchuk of your own off the internet, you can print out pictures to show your new wife when she acts out of line…romance. The post Maryna Linchuk Belarusian Model Posing Hot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Maryna Linchuk Belarusian Model Posing Hot of the Day

Haley Bennett for Interview Magazine of the Day

Haley Bennett is an actress you’ve never heard of – but she just landed the cover of Interview, so I guess she matters, or has a friend at Interview who believes in her – since she’s not that famous on instagram – with only 15,000 followers, but she’s got 4-5 movies about to come out and I guess this is how it works… I’m old enough to remember seeing Scarlett Johansson in Ghost World, knowing she was going to make it – and a few years later checking her IMDB, this was probably 2003 or 2004, seeing that she had 4-5 movies lined up, despite no one anywhere, even those who saw Ghost World, would have remembered her, known her, or cared about her…and all of a sudden…viral success…not just the herpes but the A List status.. So apparently, that’s what’s about to happened to Haley Bennett, and I guess that’s not a bad thing because she’s got some tit and we like girls with tit, thanks to hormones in the food and early puberty, because tits are making a comeback and defining a woman’s worth…yay. Like the good old days before women had the right to vote. The post Haley Bennett for Interview Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Haley Bennett for Interview Magazine of the Day

Top 10 Halley, Hailey, Haley and Hayleys

Apocalypse WOW! On April 24, 1066, Halley’s Comet was spotted in the night sky by an English monk who predicted that it would destroy the country. Obviously, that never happened, and though we won’t see Halley Comet again until 2061, here are ten of our favorite naked actresses named Halley (or Hailey, or Haley, or Hayley) that will help you come around more often than every 75 years!

Continued here:
Top 10 Halley, Hailey, Haley and Hayleys

Top 10 Halley, Hailey, Haley and Halleys

Apocalypse WOW! On April 24, 1066, Halley’s Comet was spotted in the night sky by an English monk who predicted that it would destroy the country. Obviously, that never happened, and though we won’t see Halley Comet again until 2061, here are ten of our favorite naked actresses named Halley (or Hailey, or Haley, or Hayley) that will help you come around more often than every 75 years!

The rest is here:
Top 10 Halley, Hailey, Haley and Halleys

Joe Dante On How Converted 3-D Blockbusters Screwed Indie Horror The Hole (Plus: Whatever Happened To Omri Katz?)

It’s been a frustrating four years for Joe Dante , whose latest feature, the kid horror flick The Hole , has endured a rough road to release since filming in 2008. The effective and spooky chiller, about two brothers (Chris Massoglia, Nathan Gamble) fighting the stuff of nightmares with their neighbor (Haley Bennett) after opening a mysterious void in their basement, was one of the first recent films to film in 3-D — but, as Dante recalled to Movieline, being at the forefront of filmed 3-D was ironically also what hurt The Hole ‘s distribution hopes. The Hole , an independent feature filmed in 3-D, found itself fighting for specialized screens with big studio fare and, as Dante tells it, “just got crowded out” of the marketplace. It opened domestically Friday in Los Angeles and Atlanta ahead of an October 2 DVD/Blu-ray/VOD/iTunes release , though the lack of a 3-D Blu-ray offering means most audiences won’t see it in its intended format. (A Region 2 3-D Blu-ray was released last year.) That’s a shame given that the critically-acclaimed PG-13 adventure marks a return to the milieu of youth horror for the iconic director of such classics as Gremlins , Explorers , The Twilight Zone , Innerspace , The ‘Burbs , and Matinee . Dante , who runs the fantastic Trailers from Hell and still, wonderfully, calls movies “pictures,” rang Movieline to discuss The Hole ‘s long road to release, his penchant for kid horror, the Glee actor he had no idea he’d cast four years ago in the film, and where Eerie, Indiana / Matinee teen actor Omri Katz — one of many promising young talents given an early start by Dante — went off to when he retired from acting. How does it feel to have The Hole finally come out, years after filming it and after all you’ve been through getting it seen? I feel kind of like the people who made Cabin in the Woods — it’s great relief. You don’t paint a picture to put it up in the attic and have nobody see it. You certainly don’t make movies for that reason. You usually assume that somehow it’s going to escape. And this was very frustrating because of the fact that I talked them into shooting it in 3-D was ultimately its Achilles heel, because by the time we were ready to release it all the theaters we were planning to play in were filled with big box office pictures that had been converted from 2-D into 3-D and didn’t take the time and trouble to shoot it in 3-D like we did. They were all high profile stuff and we had this little horror film with no stars, and we just got crowded out — and we continued to get crowded out, and then we had trouble getting a distributor. It was very frustrating. And we’re talking The Hole being pushed out of 3-D screens by movies like Clash of the Titans , one of the all-time worst examples of 3-D filmmaking. Particularly then the converted 3-D stuff when they were just starting out was terrible. It was too dark, and it’s badly done — it’s not intended to be shown that way. When you make a 3-D movie you actually have to plan the way the visuals look because there’s a parallax issue and there’s an issue of editing, you can’t edit very quickly in 3-D because the eye won’t adjust fast enough for it. There are a whole lot of rules that you have to go by if you want to make a good 3-D movie and most of these movies were just made like normal movies. It just doesn’t work that way. Tell me about your 3-D approach. How did you conceive of using the format? The idea was that because it’s a movie about people’s fears, I wanted them to identify strongly with the characters, and because it’s a very small film with six or seven characters and five locations, one of which is a basement. I thought that it would be much better to do a 3-D thing that drags you into the movie and puts you into the hole so that you feel like these people’s fears are your fears. Even watching it in 2-D I was taken by a number of very interesting camera moves and compositions — you play a lot with depth within the span of single shots. I remember watching movies on TV that had been shot in 3-D and thinking, this is much more imaginative than normal movies. Add to that your sound design, which had me nervously looking around the shadows as I watched the film, and the essence of the film itself — there’s something quite elemental about darkness and one’s own childhood fears that had me spooked. It’s rare that films made these days for younger audiences are actually, viscerally scary. Look at how Walt Disney chose to make his animated cartoon stuff. All the moments in Bambi and Snow White and Pinocchio that are really memorable are the scary ones. It’s primal. It’s a primal thing. It comes from sitting around the fire in caveman days and hearing stories. In The Hole these fears are primal but also very contemporary, in that you don’t often see stories about children dealing with issues like abuse. Well, that was a little tricky but that was one of the things that appealed to me about the script. It didn’t go where the standard horror movies went. It was a little deeper and a little more personal. The tightrope we had to walk was to try to find a way to suggest things that might have happened without having to freak out little kids who might be seeing it. There’s a wonderful secondary world you create within the film with fantastic sets that really convey a child’s perspective — the fog of memory where rooms feel huge, you feel tiny, and adults seem to be seven feet tall… Have you ever gone back to a school that you used to attend as a kid, and everything seems like it’s gotten smaller? The desks don’t fit as well anymore! And the halls are not as wide. The ceiling is lower. It’s really weird! This project came to you with a script already written. Had you been actively looking for films to direct? I’m always looking for films, but the horror scripts that I get tend to be very repetitive and often not that interesting. This one just stuck out because I liked the characters and I liked the setup, even though it was kind of familiar because I’d seen it in other movies, but it didn’t go where I thought it was going to go. That’s what piqued my interest. You have a great history of creating vivid film worlds for children, populated by children. Why do you think that is? I think it’s probably because I’m just a big kid myself. I don’t have any of my own, and I like actors in general but I find kid actors particularly fun to work with because they come with no preset conditions. They don’t give you acting tips. They just “be.” How did you find your cast? Haley Bennett in particular is tremendous here. She’s wonderful. That’s another reason I’m so sorry that this picture didn’t come out, because the kids didn’t get the benefit of the work they did. She’s great, she’s got a big future. Chris Massoglia had been in a picture called The Vampire’s Assistant , which I never saw because I was trying to get the producers to let me look at it before I hired him and they were so protective of their movie they never let me see anything. So I hired him because I thought he was the best kid for the part. And as far as Nathan [Gamble], he had been in the Batman movie and he was in The Mist , but it was really his own personality and presence that struck me. When I started to work with him, he really was the best child actor I’d worked with since Ethan Hawke. He’s got an innate ability to be natural and respond realistically to anything that you’d throw at him. He’s a 40-year-old in a 12-year-old body! Speaking of the great child actors you’ve worked with, Explorers was a fantastic showcase for its cast but you also worked a few times with a kid named Omri Katz. When I was growing up, I – Had a crush on him? Maybe. Maybe I had a crush on him. Well let me tell you something: Omri got out of the business and he came to visit me a couple years ago, and he is now the most striking-looking and handsome guy. I think he became a ski instructor. I said, “You should be acting!” But I haven’t heard from him since. So I can’t set you up on any dates, sorry! Let’s see if we can work something out, Joe. And by the way, it looks like in The Hole you cast Chord Overstreet from Glee before he became Glee -famous. What? Oh my god, yes, I remember him. I didn’t realize that! They blond guy who gets thrown in the pool? Well see, you told me something about my movie that I didn’t know. It’s a testament to your knack for discovering new talent. I’m still finding them! Follow Jen Yamato on Twitter . Follow Movieline on Twitter .

Read this article:
Joe Dante On How Converted 3-D Blockbusters Screwed Indie Horror The Hole (Plus: Whatever Happened To Omri Katz?)

Talkback: Who Should Star in the Carrie Remake?

Back in January, MGM/Screen Gems tapped director Kimberly Peirce to helm their remake of Stephen King’s Carrie , updating the supernatural tale after Brian de Palma’s iconic 1976 film adaptation. The current frontrunners to play Carrie White, the sexually repressed telekinetic teen who wreaks bloody revenge on her classmates at the high school prom? Kick-Ass star Chloe Moretz and actress Haley Bennett ( The Haunting of Molly Hartley , Marley & Me ), according to Vulture . Can either fill Sissy Spacek ‘s shoes? Fifteen-year-old Moretz and 24-year-old Bennett reportedly have the edge over other candidates who’ve read for the part, including Lily Collins , Dakota Fanning , and Emily Browning , which might indicate what sort of Carrie they’re going for here — with the exception of Moretz, these are actresses in their early twenties who can play teenage and have already dabbled in more mature material. (Spacek was 26 when De Palma’s Carrie was filmed.) At the same time, Moretz is arguably the hotter name of the bunch. But is the world ready to watch Hit Girl get her period in the showers and go on a menstrual rampage at prom? I mean, I’m sure Moretz could handle the material. I’m just not sure I can believe her playing vulnerable while doused in blood; the strength of her many badass roles to date has been in how assuredly she handles extreme situations despite her young age, not the other way around. Bennett, on the other hand, isn’t as well known to audiences and could probably disappear into the role more easily. Then again, Spacek was great as Carrie because she had that twitchy virginal weirdo thing down, and I’m not sure many up and coming starlets these days possess the ability to flip their freak-out switch on quite like she did. (According to Vulture, Jodie Foster and Julianne Moore are being batted around to play Carrie’s religious fanatic mom.) Are there any other potential Carries out there, or are these the best candidates of the bunch? How about Lindsay Lohan ? Sound off below.

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Talkback: Who Should Star in the Carrie Remake?

Some Bitches in Some International Film Titty of the Day

Their names are: Juno Temple, Haley Bennett, Roxeanne Mesquida and Christine Nguyen. I have never heard of any of them cuz they are foreign… The movie called Kaboom. I have never heard of it….cuz it is foreign…. So think of this as your injection of culture…you know the kind of shit you can use on an internet date in second life…to make the bitch think you know what’s up…a little “Juno Temple was riveting in Kaboom”, kinda shit…. But apparently it’s out on DVD May 31, 2011, so that makes these nudes some kind of exclusive, if you knew who any of these bitches were or if you were kicking yourself cuz you missed the shit when it was in your arthouse theater…right….. I just IMDBed the shit, it’s a Gregg Araki movie…I guess it’s not the foreign after all… he is responsible for Rose McGowan’s tits in Doom Generation – a cinematic hall of fame moment – he is also japanese…here are the clips anyway….watch them for Japan… Haley Bennett Roxeanne Mesquida, Haley Bennett and Roxeanne Mesquida, Juno Temple Christine Nguyen Kaboom….. FOLLOW ME


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Some Bitches in Some International Film Titty of the Day

Skin News from Sundance: Sasha Grey, Naked Olsen Sister, Topless Liv Tyler, and More

This year, the Sundance Film Festivals is serving up almost as many impressive slopes inside the theaters as there are in the plentiful skiing hills that surround Park City. In other words, they called have called the 2011 film festival “Fun-in-the-pants at Sundance.” To help whet your appetite for all the skin that’s going to hit theaters when these movies are picked up by distributors looking for the next Black Swan or The Kids Are All Right , here are some of the naked highlights of Sundance 2011. As we have already reported, Elizabeth Olsen , younger sister of Mary-Kate and Ashley , is making her nude debut as a crazed ex-cultist in Martha Marcy May Marlene . 15 minutes in, she shows butt and left boob going for a swim and shows off her rightie ten minutes later. But her best skin takes place an hour and seven-minutes in when she gets topless during a sex orgy. Her sisters aren’t the only ones who like a Full House ! Juno Temple opens up her temple doors in Little Birds , where she gets briefly topless one minute in and then gives us a nice long look at the one hour, three-minute mark. Juno gets topless again throughout the eagerly skinticipated Kaboom , which also features naked knockouts Haley Bennett and Roxane Mesquida getting Sapphic and graphic at the 18-minute mark. Kaboob! Crossover porn skinsation Sasha Grey ‘s mainstream film career nakedly continues when she shows her sweater-sacks and partial ass 55 minutes into I Melt With You . You took the words right out of our mouths… and put them in our pants. In Bellflower , juggy Jessie Wiseman wisely gets topless repeatedly and racktastic Rebekah Brandes shows her left knocker at the one hour, five-minute mark. Jodi Balfour shows off her bal-two getting choked to death 43 minutes into the fright flick Vampire . She’s not the only thing getting choked to death! Finally, Liv Tyler does her first nudity in a decade when she gets topless an hour into The Ledge . Damn long time between peeks, Liv.

Originally posted here:
Skin News from Sundance: Sasha Grey, Naked Olsen Sister, Topless Liv Tyler, and More