Tag Archives: malcolm-london

Will You Be Boycotting Businesses “Or Else” This Holiday Season?

So about those Black Friday sales… The Honorable Louis Farrakhan told us to forgo them. More specifically (and reported by the Philadelphia Tribune): Minister Farrakhan put the call out during the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March, a call for the Black community to withhold their holiday shopping dollars in the pursuit of justice. The purpose of the boycott is to pull national attention to the economic and social deprivations and injustices faced by African Americans. Eric Muhammad, co-chair of Justice or Else Philly said a number of local community meetings have been held in preparation of the boycott. The initiative is scheduled to last from Black Friday, Nov. 27 to Jan. 2… [ MadameNoire ] Serious Question: Should Men Wear Engagement Rings? …While men sporting pre-wedding bling is certainly different from what we’re generally used to seeing, mangagement rings have become increasingly popular in recent years—and historically, they’ve been a part of engagement traditions in other countries… it is interesting that such a huge focus is placed on the woman during the engagement period… Historically, the ring and other engagement-related gifts have represented a promise to marry and as Psychology Today put it, “assured intention to follow through.” But if more and more couples are approaching marriage as an equal partnership, why aren’t women also expected to present their future husbands with something that symbolizes this same promise? [ MadameNoire ] Fetty Wap Tosses $2K In New Jersey Mall Because He Was “Happy” Fetty Wap has plenty to be thankful for this upcoming holiday season, especially considering the year he has endured… While shopping with his daughter Zaviera last Saturday at the Garden State Mall in Paramus, New Jersey, a sense of euphoria seeped through his artificial dreads and caused him to spread the love of his newfound wealth by tossing cash over the balcony of the multi-storied center. “Got to see my daughter today,” Fetty Wap, born Willie Alexander explained on Twitter. Took her shopping and I was so happy I threw [$2,000] in the mall…never no who needed it…” [ HipHopWired ] Protesters Tell A Different Account On The Arrest Of Chicago Activist Malcolm London [ Vibe ] Wu-Tang Clan Sells One Album … for MILLIONS!! [ TMZ ] Lewis & Clark Students Stage Sit-In After Black Student Allegedly Attacked [ HuffingtonPost ] Chris Rock’s Mystery Daughter Lives In United States Illegally, Claims Report [ StarPulse ]

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Will You Be Boycotting Businesses “Or Else” This Holiday Season?