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We all have had moments in which we wish we could do something. The simple things in the world are the moments in which we connect to people on the most basic of levels. The moments in which we do something kind for someone else.It is the one things that empowers us and makes us better people . “Do for other people everything you’d like them to do for you.(Luke 6:31) . Smile and be friendly . Sometimes a simple little thing like this can put a smile and warm feeling in someone else’s heart, and make their day a little better. They might then do the same for others. Donate something you don’t use . Or a whole box of something. Drop them off at a charity — others can put your clutter to good use. Stop to help . The next time you see someone pulled over with a flat tire, or somehow in need of help, stop and ask how you can help. Sometimes all they need is a push, or the use of your cell phone. Comfort someone in grief. Often a hug, a helpful hand, a kind word, a listening ear, will go a long way when someone has lost a loved one or suffered some similar loss or tragedy. Buy food for a homeless person . Cash is often a bad idea if it’s going to be used for drugs, but buying a sandwich and chips or something like that is a good gesture. Be respectful and friendly. Send a nice email . Just a quick note telling someone how much you appreciate them, or how proud you are of them, or just saying thank you for something they did. Show appreciation, publicly . Praising someone on a blog, in front of coworkers, in front of family, or in some other public way, is a great way to make them feel better about themselves. Love . Simply finding ways to express your love to others, whether it be your partner, child, other family member, friend, co-worker, or a complete stranger … just express your love. A hug, a kind word, spending time, showing little kindnesses, being friendly … it all matters more than you know. I would like to know what you did today. It’s a great thing to spread good news. Related Stories Minute Meditation: Prayer To Help Others Gospel Song of The Day: If I Can Help Somebody Mandisa Wonders What If We Were Real Today Book Review: What Are You Doing With Your 86400 Seconds?