Tag Archives: marathon-pundit

Romney campaign video: Soul Mate


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Although the position of First Lady, or as Sarah Palin dubbed it, “First Dude,” is not mentioned in the Constitution, the president’s spouse is a part of the package voters decide upon every four years. With the exception of Barbara Bush, every First Lady going back to Pat Nixon–I don’t have any clear memories of their predecessors–have been a lightening rod for criticism. Ann Romney, who suffers… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Marathon Pundit Discovery Date : 30/05/2012 18:50 Number of articles : 2

Romney campaign video: Soul Mate

Romney campaign video: Soul Mate


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Although the position of First Lady, or as Sarah Palin dubbed it, “First Dude,” is not mentioned in the Constitution, the president’s spouse is a part of the package voters decide upon every four years. With the exception of Barbara Bush, every First Lady going back to Pat Nixon–I don’t have any clear memories of their predecessors–have been a lightening rod for criticism. Ann Romney, who suffers… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Marathon Pundit Discovery Date : 30/05/2012 18:50 Number of articles : 2

Romney campaign video: Soul Mate

Weekly GOP Address with John Boehner on energy and jobs


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Speaker of the House John Boehner delivers the latest Weekly GOP Address. The Ohioan is calling on the Senate to act on some bipartisan energy jobs bills that have passed the House. And he’s asking for the presidents help too. However, Boehner chided the Obama on one job creation project. “About the only thing the president has pushed the Senate to do is to prevent construction of the Keystone XL pipeline,”… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Marathon Pundit Discovery Date : 30/03/2012 17:27 Number of articles : 3

Weekly GOP Address with John Boehner on energy and jobs

Video: Obama Energy Sec’y says it is not the goal of his dept. to have lower gas prices


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Four years ago President Obama’s Energy Secretary, Stephen Chu, had this to say about gasoline prices: “Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.” Right now petrol sells in the $8 to $9 per-gallon range there. Yeterday Chu was queried by the House Appropriations Committee. In response to a question about the department he leads and whether it has the… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Marathon Pundit Discovery Date : 29/02/2012 18:50 Number of articles : 2

Video: Obama Energy Sec’y says it is not the goal of his dept. to have lower gas prices

Huntsman video: The Ron Paul Chronicles


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You have to give Jon Huntsman credit–he has little to gain personally by attacking Ron Paul. The former Utah governor isn’t competing in the Iowa Caucuses and Paul isn’t expected to do well in the New Hampshire Primary, where Huntsman has placed his hopes for success. Perhaps Huntsman’s motivation is to expose the Texas congressmen as a dangerous extremist–which is what he is. Cue the Twilight Zone… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Marathon Pundit Discovery Date : 01/01/2012 02:20 Number of articles : 2

Huntsman video: The Ron Paul Chronicles