Tag Archives: mariachi bands

Bombs Away: Creature Opens to $220 Per Screen, 6 People Per Showing

It’s no Worst Movie EVER ! , but it’s close: Over the weekend the indie horror pic Creature , opening in a surprising 1,500 locations, made box office history, all right… just not the kind filmmakers were hoping for. Despite attempts to create what they described as a “new template” for indie film distribution, the folks behind Creature — including Sid Sheinberg, former president of Universal Pictures — instead earned a place among the worst wide-release openings of all time.

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Bombs Away: Creature Opens to $220 Per Screen, 6 People Per Showing

Child Mariachi Concert Sounds Strangely Like Horror-Movie Theme

Not to get down on a bunch of kids, but check out the string parts in this video of a child mariachi ensemble currently making the Web rounds, and tell me this isn’t custom-made for some kind of Shining -esque psychological thriller. Or maybe a Radiohead album. And then there’s a trumpet! All it’s missing is Shia LaBeouf behind the camera . Rock out, freak out and read on for more Buzz Break.

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Child Mariachi Concert Sounds Strangely Like Horror-Movie Theme