Tag Archives: mariashriver

Maria Shriver Apologizes

Filed under: Celebrity Justice , Politix , Arnold Schwarzenegger , Maria Shriver Just one day after Arnold Schwarzenegger promised “swift action” — Maria Shriver has issued an apology for her repeated illegal use of her cell phone while driving.”I’m sorry. I will be donating my favorite old cell phone to my Women’s Conference … Permalink

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Maria Shriver Apologizes

Arnold: My Wife’s in Trouble Now!

Filed under: Celebrity Justice , Paparazzi Photo , Politix Maria Shriver’s in hot water….Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has finally caught wind of his wife’s illegal — and habitual — cell phone antics …

Here is the original post:
Arnold: My Wife’s in Trouble Now!

Hands Off, Maria Shriver!

Filed under: Paparazzi Photo , Politix Maria Maria, cell phone cheatah! It appears Maria Shriver broke the law prohibiting driving under the influence of a cell phone — a law her hubby supported and signed into law last year.Kaleefornia Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger apparently can’t lay … Permalink

Here is the original post:
Hands Off, Maria Shriver!