I’ve never heard of Marie Piovesan, but I have heard of the Virgin Mary, she’s actually pretty mainstream, especially this time of year, where motherfuckers believe some story someone told out of sarcasm 2,000 years ago and now there’s a generation of retards who worship it, in a scam I wish I could have pulled off…or maybe that I am pulling off…and in 2000 years from now people will say “once there was a drunkenstepfather, who was bred from a hooker with AIDS, but survived”…. Not that this has antyhing to do with Marie Piovesan – or Vogue Russia….and not that these pics are even that good…I’m just into the fashion cocktease…it’s like “look at my panties, look at my tits, but don’t LOOK at my spread ass or my actual tits, that would be porn”…and being someone cockteased for what must be 40 years…It feels like home to me
See the original post here:
Marie Piovesan for Vogue RUssia of the Da y