Tag Archives: markzuckerberg

When Facebook CEO’s Was Publicly Obsessed with ‘Asian Girls’ [Social Networks]

Mark Zuckerberg is startlingly young for a billionaire CEO. But he was even less mature in 2003 when, barely 19, he apparently set up a Friendster profile disclosing his taste for Asian women and dislike of books. More

Facebook CEO Admits To Calling Users ‘Dumb Fucks’ [Confessions]

Mark Zuckerberg admits in a New Yorker profile that he mocked early Facebook users for trusting him with their personal information. A youthful indiscretion, the Facebook founder now says he’s much more mature now, at the ripe age of 26. More

Will Mark Zuckerberg Finally Discuss His Mystery Ex-Girlfriend? [Secrets]

A former Washington Post reporter is said to writing a comprehensive profile of Mark Zuckerberg . Comprehensive enough, maybe, to include the old romantic entanglement Zuckerberg just fibbed about. Prepare to do a little more sweating , Mark. More

Zuckerberg’s Sleepy Pants Ignite Timberlake’s Swear-Finger Happy Dance

New pictures from the Facebook movie ‘s set have none other than script-originating novelist Ben Mezrich uncertain how he feels. With clips from corresponding portions of the script, we decipher Mark Zuckerberg ‘s sleepy-time befuddlement and Timberlake’s alpha male “fuck you.” Mezrich tweeted —then deleted —a link to Coming Soon’s paparazzi pics from The Social Network ‘s set

The rest is here:
Zuckerberg’s Sleepy Pants Ignite Timberlake’s Swear-Finger Happy Dance

Mark Zuckerberg’s Private Photos Exposed by Facebook’s New Anti-Privacy Policy

Facebook controversially forced profile pictures into public and pushed users to share candids with the whole world. So now we’re blessed with pics of the social network’s young CEO shirtless, romantic, clutching a teddy bear, and looking plastered.

Read more:
Mark Zuckerberg’s Private Photos Exposed by Facebook’s New Anti-Privacy Policy

Facebook’s New ‘Privacy’ Scheme Smells Like an Anti-Privacy Plot

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg issued an open letter to his 350+ million users; you probably saw it this morning when logging in.

Go here to see the original:
Facebook’s New ‘Privacy’ Scheme Smells Like an Anti-Privacy Plot