When it comes to controversial comments Jeremy Renner recently made about Black Widow, the actor appeared opposite Conan O’Brien last night and summed up his feelings on the flap thusly: #SorryNotSorry. Jeremy Renner Takes Back Black Widow Apology As part of his seemingly never-ending press tour for Avengers: Age of Ultron last month, Renner was interviewed alongside co-star Chris Evans and asked about the fact that Black Widow has been romantically linked to FOUR Avengers. “She’s a slut,” Renner joked in response. But the Internet didn’t find this comment especially funny, prompting Renner to issue a half-hearted apology soon afterward. “I am sorry that this tasteless joke about a fictional character offended anyone,” Renner said. “It was not meant to be serious in any way. Just poking fun during an exhausting and tedious press tour.” Last night, meanwhile, Renner was once again asked about the joke and didn’t even attempt a mea culpa this time around. “I was talking about a fictional character and fictional behavior,” Renner reasoned. “Conan, if you slept with four of the six Avengers – no matter how much fun you had – you’d be a slut. “Just saying. I’d be a slut.” Renner and Evans weren’t the only Avengers to run into some problems while promoting the Avengers sequel. After growing sick of questions about his personal life, Robert Downey Jr. walked out of a Q&A with a nosy reporter a couple weeks ago. View Slideshow: 21 Smoldering Superheroes on the Big Screen
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Jeremy Renner on Black Widow "Slut" Comment: Sorry, Not Sorry!