Tag Archives: carly-fiorina

Ted Cruz Doesn’t Care That Carly Fiorina Just Took a Fall

Ted Cruz is focused on one thing and one thing only these days: Making sure Donald Trump is never elected President of the United States. The Republican hopeful is so focused on denying The Donald any shot at the Oval Office, in fact, that he didn't even notice on Sunday when his running mate nearly plummeted to her death. We exaggerate. Only slightly. Cruz and Carly Fiorina were at a campaign stop in Indiana ahead of tonight's key primary in that state when the latter introduced the former to the crowd, telling them to greet the “next President of the United States.” Cruz then walked out on to the platform… and Fiorina disappeared from view entirely. Heidi Cruz noticed the mishap right away and went to help her husband's choice for Vice President, but Ted Cruz seemingly had no clue what just happened in front of him. He does seem to eventually realize Fiorina has taken a major fall… but he doesn't actually do much of anything about it. Granted, there are hands to shake and important votes to try and win, but come on, man. Show some decency. You may have no need for a running mate after the results of the Indiana primary are counted, and Fiorina may be the Devil Woman, but still. You probably should have lent her a hand. Even Trump would have done so. Maybe. Possibly. We're not sure, actually. Watch the hilarious incident take place below:

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Ted Cruz Doesn’t Care That Carly Fiorina Just Took a Fall

Bye Now! New Hampshire Primary Candidates See Shadows, Scurry Away

Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina were especially desperate for a surprise in New Hampshire on Tuesday. They didn’t get one.

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Bye Now! New Hampshire Primary Candidates See Shadows, Scurry Away

Lies Presidential Candidates Told This Week: Trump’s ISIS Flub

We look at Donald Trump’s claims about ISIS and Syrian refugees, Carly Fiorina’s Planned Parenthood video double-down and the ongoing Hillary Clinton email mess.

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Lies Presidential Candidates Told This Week: Trump’s ISIS Flub

Carly Fiorina Puts Trump In His Place For His Sexist Comments

Carly Fiorina had some words for Donald Trump and Jeb Bush at the second GOP debate of the 2016 election season.

Carly Fiorina Puts Trump In His Place For His Sexist Comments

Carly Fiorina Announces 2016 Presidential Run; Former HP CEO to Seek GOP Nomination

Yesterday, retired brain surgeon Ben Carson announced his 2016 run for the GOP presidential nomination. Today, another controversial figure from the private sector has thrown her hat into the ring, and like Carson, she differs from the typical Republican nominee in many ways, but might ironically suffer in the primaries due to her old-guard views on several important issues. Carly Fiorina is best known for her tenure as CEO of Hewlett-Packard and her 2010 senate campaign, both of which ended badly. Even so, Fiorina believes she has the necessary name recognition and respect from her fellow Republicans to have a real chance in an already-crowded field of nominees.  “Yes, I am running,” Fiorina said today during an appearance on Good Morning America. “I think I’m the best person for the job because I understand how the economy actually works.” “I understand the world; who’s in it.” Often described as one of the worst tech CEOs of all time thanks to the disastrous HP-Compaq merger that she spearheaded in 2005, Fiorina entered politics after being forced to resign from by the board at HP. She went on to work with John McCain during his 2008 presidential run and even addressed the RNC that same year. Fiorina quickly developed a loyal following among conservative Republicans, but was soundly defeated when she attempted to unseat California Senator Barbara Boxer in 2010. “She’s a very talented candidate and connects well with voters,” says Marty Wilson said, a political adviser who managed Fiorina’s senate campaign. “The problem is after 2010, she was no longer a candidate. So mail lists and email lists tend to atrophy when they’re not in use.” As with Carson, Fiorina’s lack of political experience could prove to be a major liability, but both candidates are likely hoping that voters will share their belief that a Washington outsider is just what the White House needs. View Slideshow: 2016 Presidential Election: The (Possible) Contenders

The rest is here:
Carly Fiorina Announces 2016 Presidential Run; Former HP CEO to Seek GOP Nomination

We Don’t Want Carly Fiorina to bring racial profiling to California!

http://bit.ly/9yyQn2 We Don't Want Carly to bring racial profiling to California! Through Carly Fiorina's fierce support of SB 1070 and racial profiling in Arizona one thing is clear, Carly is no friend of Latinos in California and Latinos everywhere. Help spread the word about Carly Fiorina's REAL views on Immigration and together we can stop the potential spread of racial profiling to California. added by: bravenewfilms2

On Hardball: It’s the Year of the Woman But It’s Not the ‘Compassionate’ Woman We Like

The news that it could be a good year for women electorally did not cheer up the likes of MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, Bloomberg’s Margaret Carlson and the Politico’s Jeanne Cummings, because it turns out it’s only going to be a good year for women on the Republican side like Nikki Haley, Meg Whitman, and Carly Fiorina or as Carlson put it: “It’s not a compassionate women year.” [ audio available here ] Matthews, on Monday’s Hardball, invited on Carlson and Cummings to take a look at “gender politics” and found that it could be a good year for women, just not the kind of women they like, in other words the more conservative momma grizzly types that Sarah Palin supports. Cummings even bemoaned that a loss of the House could result in “one giant blow to women” in that it “could take down the Speaker, Speaker Nancy Pelosi” who was “a real shining star for the achievements and the rise of women in government.” The following is the full segment as it was aired on the August 30 edition of Hardball: CHRIS MATTHEWS: Wow, we’re talking gender politics. We’re back. High profile victories this summer by Nikki Haley in South Carolina and Sharron Angle winning that nomination in Nevada for the Senate. Meg Whitman spending zillions out there running for the governorship of California. This could be the Year of the Woman, maybe. But will women gain ground in Congress this November? On Sunday the Los Angeles Times had a sobering outlook piece. Quote: “After the November election, Congress could end up with as many as 10 fewer female members, prognosticators now say. The first backslide in the uninterrupted march of women coming to Washington since 1978.” Joining us now is Bloomberg’s Margaret Carlson and Politco’s Jeanne Cummings. Now I know we have to decipher between right and left, the big executive positions and the somewhat lowlier U.S. Congress positions. But look at this now. In the Congress there are a total of 90 women now, Senator and House members: 69 Democrats, 21 Republicans. Margaret, it looks like liberals are in trouble this year, progressives, if you will. That includes a lot of women.  MARGARET CARLSON, BLOOMBERG: Well, there are more Democratic women than, than Republicans, liberals. So you’re gonna have, this is like a final piece of equality for women where they can lose with men- MATTHEWS: Right. CARLSON: -when incumbents are in trouble. So women have finally achieved some kind of parity, and boom, it’s time to boot them out. But there’s a certain kind of woman that’s gonna do okay. I mean you have the momma grizzlies but it’s the grizzly part of it, not the momma part that’s working. You have to be a bear- MATTHEWS: Give me names, give names. CARLSON: You have to be a bear who’s gonna knock down the tent. MATTHEWS: Who are the heavyweight women? CARLSON: Linda McMahon? Can you imagine more of a bear. I mean it’s softcore wrestling- MATTHEWS: Of world heavyweight wrestling. CARLSON: -porn. MATTHEWS: And, and Meg Whitman in California. CARLSON: Yeah and it’s the corporate titan bear. Carly Fiorina, Meg Whitman as you say. So that is the kind of woman. It is n ot the kind of – it’s not a compassionate women year. MATTHEWS: Right, it’s tough for women. Let me got to that, Jeanne Cummings is this, is this the upgrade to the tougher executive positions? I’ve always said, and it’s a tough line but you gotta get on, the on deck circle to really have lots of shots at the presidency. If women start winning these big governorships across the country like California knocking off Jerry Brown, it’d be a giant killer, things like that really – people tell me Meg wants to be, Meg Whitman wants to be president. Is this what’s going on here on the Republican side. JEANNE CUMMINGS, POLITICO: Well absolutely. I mean women like any, all the different types of people before them are earning their way up the ladder, one rung at a time. And winning some of those big governor races is important. We certainly saw how Hillary Clinton was able to use her Senate position, and her prior role as First Lady, but largely her Senate position gave her- MATTHEWS: I agree. CUMMINGS: -the credentials to go out there and run on the campaign trail. And so I think this is clearly, that women have now gotten to the point where they are accepted by voters as competent executives, tough enough to run, smart enough to run governments, and those are great achievements for women. I would point out that if- MATTHEWS: These- CUMMINGS: Just one quick thought. MATTHEWS: Sure. CUMMINGS: That, that if the losses are as bad as they, as some believe they could be in the House, there could be one giant blow to women. And that is, it could take down the Speaker. Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Certainly she’s not gonna lose her House seat, but she could lose the Speakership itself. And that has been, for many women, particularly Democratic women, a real shining star for the achievements and the rise of women in government. MATTHEWS: We haven’t had a woman governor of New York, Pennsylvania, California, or probably Illinois. These are big, the big jobs. These are women coming out of industry with a proven executive record. CARLSON: And mixed, and mixed. MATTHEWS: You, you mentioned, Jeanne, you said they’re working their way one step at a time. Meg Whitman is not going one step at a time, she’s going right for governor. CARLSON: Yeah. MATTHEWS: Carly Fiorina is going right from HP for, for Senate. CARLSON: And by the way her reputation was mixed as a, as a corporate executive. MATTHEWS: So are things changing? Is the glass ceiling getting smashed at the top? CARLSON: Well no. I think there’s a certain kind of corporate woman that, that does look like she can run a big state because she’s run a big country, I mean, a big company. MATTHEWS: Could it be that men are blowing it? Just to be blunt, could it be that the quality of male candidates has declined. Women candidates have gone up and they’re passed them on the old vector there. CUMMINGS: Well I think that the women candidates can run in this year, the Year of the Outsider. They can run as genuine outsiders. And that is an asset when you have an anti-incumbent election. MATTHEWS: Wow! CUMMINGS: And the other thing, in terms of Fiorina and Meg Whitman, they, they both are shooting, going to, trying to go from the corporate boardroom right into the Governor’s office or the Senate office, it is true. However, their candidacies were made possible by the victories of women before them. MATTHEWS: Yeah that’s certainly true. Well what do you make of Momma Grizzly’s comment the other day? Sarah Palin’s, that her biggest accomplishment was that she produced a combat vet. It sounds like women are running what we used to call the Daddy Party, the right, you know the Macho Party? CARLSON: Yeah. MATTHEWS: Women are now openly saying, “I’m tougher than the men, I can produce as a mother a got vet, get out of my way.” Jeanne, this is strong, strong tea here, if you will? CUMMINGS: Absolutely. And I have to say, Sarah Palin, I think, has done something unprecedented when you look at gender politics. And that is, she is so influential. She is a king maker. MATTHEWS: That’s true. CUMMINGS: And we have not seen a female king maker in political history. She has really broken new ground. I mean, what does a Huckabee nomination get you? Page three on the local paper? But Palin’s nomination can be a complete game changer, as we have seen in these races. MATTHEWS: We’re looking at that picture as you’re speaking, Jeanne, of her endorsing Nikki Haley. Haley was at the back of the pack, she’s now probably gonna be the next governor of South Carolina. CARLSON: But wait Chris, she’s a king maker but she’s also a queen killer. She killed Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison in Texas in favor of the incumbent, Governor Perry. MATTHEWS: Yeah. CARLSON: And look what she did to Lisa Murkowski in Alaska. So let us, she is an equal opportunity maker and destroyer, and not always for the women. MATTHEWS: Yeah I also, I also think and I gotta be careful, she’s picking women candidates that men are ready to vote for too. CARLSON: Yes. MATTHEWS: This isn’t just women voting for women here. There’s a lot of, obviously a lot of those right-wing men love Sarah Palin. Let’s be honest here. Jeanne, thanks so much, Jeanne Cummings for joining us. Margaret Carlson, thank you.

Read this article:
On Hardball: It’s the Year of the Woman But It’s Not the ‘Compassionate’ Woman We Like

Tempe woman gets wallet with cash she lost 5 years ago in Wash.

Ryan O'Donnell report two teen boys in Washington State found something that belonged to a woman who lives in Arizona. http://news.yahoo.com/video/phoenixktvk3tv-15751070/tempe-woman-gets-wallet-with… =21279388 added by: MotherForTruth

Force women to bear rapists’ babies, say multiple GOP candidates

Rachel Maddow asks why Democrats aren't making GOP extremism a national issue MSNBC's Rachel Maddow has been researching the positions on abortion held by current Republican candidates and believes that, overall, they are far more extreme than in any previous election year. She also wonders why the Democratic Party hasn't made an issue of this extremism. “The Republican Party is, without actually talking about it, this year nominating a group of candidates for top-of-the-ticket races that are more extreme on the issue of abortion than any other slate of top-of-the-ticket candidates in any other year,” Maddow stated on Thursday. She pointed to several GOP Senatorial candidates or front-runners who have declared that they oppose a right to abortion even in cases of rape or incest, including Nevada's Sharron Angle, Kentucky's Rand Paul, and Colorado's Ken Buck. According to Maddow, these three “small government conservatives” all believe “that government should be big enough that it can monitor every pregnancy in the country to ensure that every single woman who becomes pregnant is forced by the government to carry that pregnancy to term. … This is a position that was beyond the pale even in fringe anti-abortion politics not very many years ago, but apparently those days are over.” http://rawstory.com/rs/2010/0806/maddow-gop-abortion-extremism/ added by: unimatrix0

HP CEO abruptly resigns amid harassment claims

Hewlett-Packard Co. ousted CEO Mark Hurd on Friday for falsifying expense reports and other documents to conceal a secret relationship with a former contractor and help her get paid for work she didn't do. Until the 53-year-old abruptly resigned, sending HP's stock tumbling after hours, he had a nearly bulletproof reputation on Wall Street. During his five-year stewardship of the world's biggest maker of personal computers and printers, its stock price had doubled, boosting its market value more than $40 billion and it became the world's No. 1 technology company by revenue. HP said Hurd was forced out after the company discovered he had a relationship with a woman who worked with HP on marketing matters. The company said he falsified expense reports and other financial documents to conceal the relationship and help get the contractor paid for work she didn't do. But the company said its internal probe found Hurd didn't violate its sexual harassment policy. High-profile Los Angeles attorney Gloria Allred said she is representing the woman and “there was no affair and no intimate sexual relationship” between her client and Hurd. Allred, reached by The Associated Press late Friday, declined to comment further. The allegations were first disclosed Friday, though the company learned of them several weeks ago. Hurd said it was a “painful decision” to leave but acknowledged there were “instances in which I did not live up to the standards and principles of trust, respect and integrity that I have espoused at HP.” He will get a $12.2 million severance payment. HP said it became aware of the relationship several weeks ago when the former contractor accused Hurd and the company of sexual harassment. An investigation found that HP's sexual harassment policy wasn't violated but that its standards of business conduct were. — — — — — — — — — — — — SR — — — — — — — — — — – At least stock prices doubled while he was in charge. Unlike his predecessor Carly Fiorina who walked away with a $21.4 million severance package in 2005 after stock prices Fell 50% added by: Stoneyroad