Tag Archives: product-through

We Don’t Want Carly Fiorina to bring racial profiling to California!

http://bit.ly/9yyQn2 We Don't Want Carly to bring racial profiling to California! Through Carly Fiorina's fierce support of SB 1070 and racial profiling in Arizona one thing is clear, Carly is no friend of Latinos in California and Latinos everywhere. Help spread the word about Carly Fiorina's REAL views on Immigration and together we can stop the potential spread of racial profiling to California. added by: bravenewfilms2

Is God an Alien?

Why Not? added by: kennymotown

Fried Beer Is Finally Here

This year at the Sixth Annual Big Tex Choice Awards competition in Texas someone finally hit the nail on the head. Mark Zable has trademarked the name Fried Beer. Well, it seems as though you can fry anything you eat and now drink. You may be asking yourself how in the world Mark Zable came up with this recipe. Does it taste good? “We are able to place beer inside a salty pretzel like dough, and deep fry it. When you take a bite, beer pours out of the inside pocket of dough,” Zable says on his website, friedbeer.net (we are actually salivating at the thought of making these pockets with some of our favorite brews). Zable claims that he cooks the beer snack at a temperature that allows the alcohol to keep its composition and not get “cooked off.” Unlike “fried coke” no beer flavoring is included in the dough. Currently, Zable uses Guinness but might switch to Shiner Bock or a pale ale like Sierra Nevada. Zable had faced adversity prior to this year – past frustrations led him to consult with a food scientist with little luck. After three years of research and development, 2010 brought him success as he finally figured a way to capture the entirety of the beer product through the full frying process. He will not discuss how he has solved the problem. This closely kept secret may have the potential of bringing Zable the riches of life (through his newly filed patent). Craft brewing fans can unite in looking to pair some of these snacks with their local favorites. Although we’re not sure if the treat will be massed produced anytime soon… What do you think? Do you think it’ll be a hit? Look out for our finalists as Labor Day approaches. Two lucky winners will be selected to be allowed to sell their product at the Texas state fair. Your Choice. Your Beer. Drink Up. – Beer Universe http://www.beer-universe.com/beer-education-article/2010-08-30/Fried-Beer-Is-Fin… added by: pjacobs51