Tag Archives: meat-sandwiches

Xenia Deli Hot Model Lingerie of the Day

Xenia Deli may be named after your favorite place to get Jewish meat sandwiches…in her panties…not that she’s Jewish because she’s from Eastern Europe / former USSR, where the Jewish had to denounce being Jewish otherwise they would get killed off… She is and owns the best meat sandwich I want dripping off my face when looking at her is hiding in her panties…panties I would take off with my mouth, and she’d probably let me, since despite being one of the hottest, she’s never quite make it like her sex working sisters Irina Shayk…and all other Russian models…I have no idea why, especially with the name Xenia…you’d think nerds everywhere would buy into this…like I have…not that I ever feel like a nerd, I’m more of the coolest person wherever I go while everyone else are fucking losers, who looks homeless and unshowered so I keep it on the downlow.. Not that this is about it, it’s not, it’s about perfection in the form of this deli meat… These pics are for something called “Design Scene”… TO SEE HER IN SHITTY CATALOG LINGERIE PICS ,A HREF=”http://forum.drunkenstepfather.com/showthread.php?t=78145″ TARGET=”_BLANK”> CLICK HERE The post Xenia Deli Hot Model Lingerie of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Xenia Deli Hot Model Lingerie of the Day

Gavin Bond’s Xenia Deli and Sloveig Mork Pics of the Day

His name is GAVIN BOND and either he’s a great photographer or he gets access to babes like one of the best out there, Xenia Deli… Sure Xenia Deli may be named after your favorite place to get Jewish meat sandwiches…but the only meat sandwich I want when looking at her is hiding in her panties…a sandwich I would eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and a fucking snack. I’m pretty sure I’ve said this before, but it’s friday and when a babe is named after a DELI, I have limited options…I mean why am I even writing anything about her – just look at the fucking pics asshole – that is why I posted them. Her friend’s name is Sloveig Mork..another insane name for an insane body…I mean I love these immigrant girls…especially half naked.

Originally posted here:
Gavin Bond’s Xenia Deli and Sloveig Mork Pics of the Day