Tag Archives: medical-bills

Lena Headey Files for Divorce

Lena Headey is not married to her brother in real life, but the Game of Thrones actress is filing for divorce from Peter Loughran. In legal documents, the star cites “irreconcilable differences” as the basis for the couple’s split. They got married in 2007 and have a two-year old son. Headley was born in Bermuda and has appeared in such movies as The Brothers Grimm and 300 . But she has now broken out as the evil Cersei Lannister on the aforementioned HBO smash. Game of Thrones Season 3 premieres on March 31 and shooting is now underway.

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Lena Headey Files for Divorce

Katie Medley, Aurora Shooting Victim, Gives Birth

Finally some good news out of the tragedy in Aurora, Colorado: Katie Medley, a movie goer who escaped unharmed from the horrific James Holmes last Friday, gave birth to a boy at the University of Colorado Hospital yesterday morning. He’s named Hugo and both child and mother are reportedly doing well. Tragically, however, Katie’s husband Caleb was not as fortunate as his wife: also in attendance at The Dark Knight Rises showing, Caleb was shot in the head and remains in a medically-induced coma. “He had some motion in his hands today,” Seth Medley, Caleb’s brother, told reporters at University Hospital Tuesday night. “His injuries are pretty serious. I don’t want to get into any details, but there’s some serious injuries around his face.” Seth referred the birth of his nephew as “a silver lining to a very dark cloud.” Due to Caleb’s presumed recovery time, and the medical bills that are certain to add up, the family has set up a WePay account at calebmedley.com/help . We encourage all readers to donate whatever they can.

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Katie Medley, Aurora Shooting Victim, Gives Birth

Source: Nate Dogg’s Friends Turned Their Backs On Him

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There’s an old saying that goes: “Real friends are there when you need them the most.” Well, a former associate of Nate Dogg says the singer’s friends turned their backs on him, even refusing to pay for his mounting medical bills. TMZ Reports Nate Dogg’s world-famous rap friends turned their backs on the singer when he needed them most … refusing to pitch in one cent towards his medical costs … this according Nate’s former associate, who’s on the hook for the $300k bill. TMZ broke the story … Nate’s estate AND a record label owner named David Michery … were sued by the medical facility where Nate lived from 2008 to 2010 after suffering a massive stroke. A judge recently ruled in favor of the facility, which means David needs to pay up … or else. Now, it could be that this guy is just bitter because he was stuck with the bill. It doesn’t seem likely that NO ONE would help Nate out in his time of need. What do you think?

Source: Nate Dogg’s Friends Turned Their Backs On Him

Dancing With the Stars: Under Doctor’s Orders

The medical bills at Dancing With the Stars may not be as high this upcoming season as they have been in the past. Producers of the hit reality-competition show have finally implemented..

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Dancing With the Stars: Under Doctor’s Orders