Tag Archives: meld-the-minds

Miley Cyrus Giving Herself a Cameltoe of the Day

Miley Cyrus jacking her unitard, leotard, whatever the fuck this article of clothing that touches her tits, asshole and pussy, that she’s shoving inside her on stage and sharing with her fans, and followers…is the kind of preaching I like…I mean there is so much a girl could do with a huge audience, that could be thought provoking, positive, or inspiring….I mean she has the power to meld the minds of all these idiots into doing good. She could tell the world to do one nice thing, or to donate a dollar to some cause….but instead she’s like “i’ll just give myself a cameltoe”….like a real fucking dancing monkey…and the funny thing in all this is that I love every second of it…

Miley Cyrus Giving Herself a Cameltoe of the Day