Tag Archives: melvil poupaud

Coming Soon: Rent Movies on Your USB Thumb Drive

Blockbuster might want to put some extra polish on that new advertising campaign . There’s apparently a new service around the corner called “Flix On Stix” that uses a kiosk model similar to Redbox, only instead of getting a DVD, you simply plug in a USB thumb drive and download the movie rental in seconds. Maybe Redbox should start planning a new advertising campaign too? Or is this new technology destined to go obsolete almost as soon as it begins? Let’s weigh the pros and cons.

See the original post here:
Coming Soon: Rent Movies on Your USB Thumb Drive

Black Heaven Trailer: Could This be Tron’s Evil Sibling?

If Tron leaves you wanting something a little darker, sexier and more twisted from from the newbie-trapped-in-a-video-game genre, it looks like the French went ahead and took care of that. The Black Heaven trailer centers around a game called Black Hole which involves an often-undressed femme fatale, long jumps off of buildings and crappy graphics. And like all of the best video games, this one can possibly kill the player in real life.

Original post:
Black Heaven Trailer: Could This be Tron’s Evil Sibling?