Tag Archives: mental-capacity

Britney Spears Bikini Ass of the Day

Britney Spears is amazing…and not just because she let K-Fed mooch off her for life in exchange for his sperm during her bi-polar period. Where she was rebelling from the world who just wouldn’t leave Britney alone, because they were obsessed with her and her parents didn’t have their reins on her and she didn’t have the mental capacity to really process it, but instead of being thrown away like Lohan, she got adopted by her parents, put back into her workcamp and is earning but more importantly…looking fit. This body of a near 40 year old star of yesteryear is perfect… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Britney Spears Bikini Ass of the Day

Rebecca Black Bikini of the Day

Rebecca Black the source of all your entertainment, from a hit song and youtube video I hope you didn’t jerk off to, but you probably did, to the source of probably one of the most annoying quoted things at offices everywhere on Friday… because you know the basic internet people are all about that nonsense and that they only have the mental capacity to quote shit they see on the internet and think it is funny, or relatable because I guess all people are pretty fucking terrible at socializing…and find a connection with each other through the absolute nonsense… Well…she’s in a bikini…life changing – probably not but if you’re going to hate a bitch for her quotable viral nonsense, you might as well see her half naked doing the whole bikini for the internet – look at her her fame seeking body….even though she can probably retire from all that FRIDAY money…

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Rebecca Black Bikini of the Day

Rose McGowan and a Ridiculous Publicity Stunt of the DAy

The Rumor is that Rose McGowan was objectified by Adam Sandler’s casting team for one of his shitty fucking movies that makes him too much money based on his talent alone… They specifically told her to wear a cleavage shirt, a note probably written by her agent in hopes she’d finally get work and make him money… She exposed him, while thinking she was exposing Adam Sandler…for being a womanizing prick, you can assume he is…you know seeing as he has the mental capacity of a 14 year old Jewish boy who loves basketball…and now her agent fired her.. For those of you who don’t know, Rose McGowan in the early 2000s, used her tits to get famous… All this to say, hollywood loves whores, so if you want to be in hollywood, you have to be a whore, and when you’ve made it in hollywood and don’t have to be a whore anymore, you don’t need to take a higher than thou stance and ruin it for all the up and coming whores… It is a vapid, empty, money grubbing place…where the men get fake tans and botox and the women like their money… Anyone involved in the industry is a fucked up pervert weirdo….so asking for cleavage, is probably more a testament of her agent’s opinion of her talent…and not so much Adam Sandler’s needs, as many people have already seen her tits… All this to say, I like Rose McGowan….and hate Adam Sandler, so Team #Rose, but this is an idiotic story with no real point proved…even though she’s not a fan of me… The post Rose McGowan and a Ridiculous Publicity Stunt of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rose McGowan and a Ridiculous Publicity Stunt of the DAy

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley Hot for FHM China August of the Day

This bald pussy loving model turned actor is more of a Fox than Megan Fox ever could be…which is my horrible play on words for the day…because I have limited mental capacity and more importantly…I am just humiliating myself in front of all my internet friends…. The truth is, I think Rosie Huntington-Whitely is lovely to look at…and not just because she made Megan Fox and her horrible attitude obsolete….but because she looks good half naked…. I am 90 percent these pics are recycled, because it is for FHM China and despite China being a mega power in the world dominance world…I feel like their men’s magazines are just accessing old pics…from the old pic database…but I’ll still look at Rosie Huntington-Whitely half naked…because I’m just that supportive of all her hard work….

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Rosie Huntington-Whiteley Hot for FHM China August of the Day

Tori Spelling in Her Bathing Suit Rolling Around in the Snow of the Day

I don’t know what is bigger bottom feeding behavior…Tori Spelling posting pictures of her half naked and roling around in the snow like the wild girl she wants her fans/followers to think her mom ass is….or me posting pictures of it…hoping at least one person comes to me instead of her official twitter….because that’s just what I do here…repost other people’s smut instead of making my own…not that Tori Spelling in a bathing suit is smut….unless of course you’re into awkward looking bitches fighting hypothermia…unfortunately, something I know where all into…and who really cares…This is Tori Spelling we’re talking about, I don’t think she really deserves anyone’s time….

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Tori Spelling in Her Bathing Suit Rolling Around in the Snow of the Day

Avril Lavigne Bikini Pictures of the Day

I don’t know what point try-hard becomes authentic because I figured if you do it long enough, you know the teenage angst thing, with the pink streak in your hair and the fuck tattoo under your tit long enough, you eventually become that person you’ve always wanted to be, cuz no one rememebers the socially awkward white Canadian trash singing Shania Twain songs to launch a career, but I do know that Avril Lavigne’s still not quite there, and maybe that’s only because I don’t find the whole 15 and angry, fighting with her parents, emo punk scene kid shit hot, especially not on a 30 year old, Don’t get me wrong, I’m more into my 30 year olds having the mental capacity of 15 year olds, just not down with their fashion sense, except when it is slutty and pantyless, which does happen…. Either way, OMG! It’s Avril Lavigne in a bikini and it’s so not complicated, somehow this bitch manages to turn you into half retarded adults who wish they were the skater boy in her songs, the Sum41 weirdo she left for a Kardashian stepbrother….and here is the pic….

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Avril Lavigne Bikini Pictures of the Day