Tag Archives: mention-some

Oh Na Na: A Gallery Of Men Rihanna Has DENIED She’s Chopped Down

Men Rihanna Denied Chopping Down Rihanna has been romantically linked to…well…just about everyone, really. But we all know that some of those rumors are just that and nothing to really put any weight in. Rihanna isn’t banging every guy, right? At least we don’t think so. So we’re going to clear her name a bit and mention some of the people she’s been linked to that she’s denied giving and getting the business to and from. So take a look and see if you believe it.

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Oh Na Na: A Gallery Of Men Rihanna Has DENIED She’s Chopped Down

Guess Which Young Actor Offers the Most Bang For Studios’ Bucks?

It’s that time of year again — temperatures climb, work ethics plunge, and Forbes comes up with a totally random means of taxonomizing your favorite Hollywood celebrities. Would that there were anything else on Earth to write about, I wouldn’t even notice. But credit where credit is due! The annual list of stars who earn the most “bang for Hollywood’s buck” has a new king and queen (not to mention some hinky methodology). Celebrate them after the jump.

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Guess Which Young Actor Offers the Most Bang For Studios’ Bucks?