Tag Archives: might-replace

Here are Four Celebrities In Talks To Replace Tamar Braxton On The Real

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  Ever since her acrimonious exit, there has been speculation about who might replace Tamar Braxton on The Real talk show. While a lot of names have been tossed around, it seems that the list has now been whittled down to a select four women. Braxton was swiftly terminated from her position of co-host after last season […]

Here are Four Celebrities In Talks To Replace Tamar Braxton On The Real

Marisa Miller: Nude for Skin Cancer Awareness Campaign

On one hand, we’d be thrilled if no one ever contracted skin cancer ever again. On the other, those that have come down with this disease have contributed to a need for others to screen for it… which has contributed to Marc Jacob’s new awareness campaign, Protect the Skin You’re In… which has led to the following photo of Marisa Miller nude. So you can see why we’re torn on this issue. The image below of of this Victoria’s Secret model in nothing but sneakers will appear on T-shirts and be available at Marc Jacobs boutiques in the near future, with all proceeds going to the NYU Cancer Institute. Although it didn’t benefit any important causes, Miller is also responsible for what may be the hottest photo ever taken. View it NOW .

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Marisa Miller: Nude for Skin Cancer Awareness Campaign

Jillian Michaels to Exit The Biggest Loser, Focus on Family

Jillian Michaels is going from The Biggest Loser to the biggest step a person can take: motherhood. She hopes, at least. “Season 11 of Biggest Loser will be my last 🙂 have to finish out my contract,” Michaels Tweeted this week. “I want to take a year off TV and focus on becoming a mommy and doing more charity work.” The final season of The Biggest Loser kicks off next month. Who might replace Jillian? She knows. But she isn’t saying. “They already hired her,” she told a Twitter follower. “Using my last season to help launch her in season 11.”

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Jillian Michaels to Exit The Biggest Loser, Focus on Family

Scott Pilgrim Wants Some Friends

Whether Scott Pilgrim vs. The World winds up being a sleeper hit this August or not, one thing is abundantly clear: The core audience of geeks is jacked for this movie in the same way a pack of girls wearing Jimmy Choo shoes are for Sex and the City 2 . The latest bit of proof for that comes from Facebook , where director Edgar Wright has promised to release a new trailer for the film once it gets 100,000 fans. And while that might not seem like a lot, bear in mind that Knight and Day has under 5,000. Since the first trailer was so good , do everyone a favor and head over there, Facebook privacy issues be damned! [Facebook via Ain’t It Cool ]

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Scott Pilgrim Wants Some Friends