Tag Archives: millions-doing

Rosie Jones Page 360 of the Day

Here’s a little glamour model named Rosie Jones…who is a pretty fucking popular Glamour model….you know the UK girls who get topless in shitty magazines and make millions doing it….even though they are hardly hot enough to be actual models….while still hot enough to look at while topless….cuz really all girls are…..even the really offensively ugly ones who don’t do this as a job…. The real excitement in all this is the concept behind this “Page 360″ shoot…it’s like bitch spin….and we’ll capture it from all angles…to make jerking off a 3D experience or something….and I like this revolutionary thought process and innovation in slut documenting….

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Rosie Jones Page 360 of the Day

Rihanna’s Vacation Pictures on Facebook of the DAy

Rihanna’s been rocking social networking along with every motherfucker, because they know that it makes the paparazzi and the press pretty fucking obsolete, so they hire teams of experts, and in Rihanna’s uneducated case, hire someone to write in broken english, cuz she’s illiterate, not that it matters…. What matters is that one of her people put up a bunch of her vacation pictures, cuz her life is a fucking vacation pictures of her, they tried to make me like her page, but I’ll have nothing to do with that, I’ll just sneak around and steal the slutty, but not slutty enough pics…..I want porn fuck…she is an island girl who made it….that is rumored to have started as a teenage hooker, but who knows, I’ll just look at the pics… The album was called “Ball So Hard VACA”….classy use of the people’s money….Trash… Kinda hot…especially the see through pic with nipple ring….Good girl…sexing it up…for 46,000,0000 people on facebook….and making millions doing it….Genius…an inspiration to girls everywhere… Thanks for Sharing Rihanna, I want to be friends with her. I’ve decided. My friend posted a few more of the pics –

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Rihanna’s Vacation Pictures on Facebook of the DAy

Christian Show Gets Pranked Fresh Prince Style of the Day

Some dude pranks these crazy Christian shows by emailing in the Fresh Prince of Bell Air theme song or story and the bitch reads it because part of being a crazy Christian is being totally fucking ignorant. I don’t understand how these shows are even allowed on TV in any country….I get that people are religious, but keep that shit in your basement, next to your fetish gear and strap on dildos, you hypocritical pieces of shit

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Christian Show Gets Pranked Fresh Prince Style of the Day