Tag Archives: milton-bradley

Lindsay Lohan Nude in Playboy: Actually Coming Soon!

Lindsay Lohan is posing nude for Playboy. This is not just a recycled rumor, it’s totally on , and a deal that has been in the works for months is set to pay her nearly A MILLION DOLLARS to go nude. The actress reportedly balked at an initial $750,000 offer to take it all off for the men’s magazine because she demanded seven figures. She almost got it. In Playboy, Lindsay will be covered up only by the stains on her teeth . Hugh Hefner and Co. came back to LiLo with an offer less than her asking price, but close enough for her to sign on the dotted line and lose the clothes. No word yet on which issue Lindsay will be featured in, but she will be on the cover for sure – gotta make that investment pay off, are we right Hugh?! Lindsay’s rep said, “I can neither confirm or deny at this time.” Playboy has not made a clear confirmation of it either, but reports say the shoot is on. According to sources, Playboy began taking Lindsay Lohan photos last week, while she was juggling other duties like ordering cupcakes to the morgue . Our girl is nothing if not a multi-tasker. Lindsay Lohan in Playboy sounds …

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Lindsay Lohan Nude in Playboy: Actually Coming Soon!

Milton Bradley Fires Back at Wife, Denies Abuse Allegations

Milton Bradley, a former Major League Baseball outfielder as well known for his temper as his production with men in base, has fired back at his wife. Two weeks ago, Monique Bradley filed for a restraining order from her husband after a confrontation that led to Milton’s arrest, during which she claims he pulled out a gun and threatened her life. But the ex-Mariner/Dodger/Padre has now filed his own documents with L.A. Country Superior Court, TMZ reports , and they label these allegations as “absolutely false.” Bradley says his wife is a repeated liar and he never threatened her, not during this incident and not last month, when she claims he swung a baseball bat in her direction. Milton and Monique have both filed for divorce, with the former asking a judge to award him joint custody of their young sons. Another one of Bradley’s former teams, meanwhile, the Texas Rangers, are a game away from their first World Series title.

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Milton Bradley Fires Back at Wife, Denies Abuse Allegations