Tag Archives: mirko-fischer

World Cup Soccer Sucks: infoMania Editorial

The entire world may be catching World Cup fever but our resident curmudgeon Ben Hoffman has been hating the sport for years. infoMania is a half-hour satirical news show that airs on Current TV. The show puts a comedic spin on the 24-hour chaos and information overload brought about by the constant bombardment of the media. Hosted by Conor Knighton and co-starring Brett Erlich, Erin Gibson, Ben Hoffman, Bryan Safi and Sergio Cilli, the show airs on Thursdays at 10 pm Eastern and Pacific Times and can be found online at http://current.com/infomania/ or on Current TV. And make sure to check out our facebook profile for special features at http://facebook.com/infomania . added by: Ben_Hoffman

BA compensates man ‘humiliated’ over child seat policy

BBC News Mirko Fischer, his wife Stefanie and daughter Sophia Mirko Fischer said he worried what message was being sent to children BA has compensated a passenger who was “humiliated' over its policy of not allowing single male flyers to sit next to solo child travellers on its planes. British Airways cabin crew told Mirko Fischer to move after he swapped seats with his wife and ended up sitting next to a boy he did not know. Mr Fischer, 33, accused staff of harassing him and said the policy contravened the Sex Discrimination Act. BA apologised to the businessman but denied the policy was discriminatory. A spokesman told the BBC the policy was now under review. A consent order detailing a settlement between the parties was drawn up at Slough County Court on Wednesday. Mr Fischer was on a flight from London back to his home in Luxembourg on 20 April 2009 when his pregnant wife Stefanie asked him to swap seats so she could sit next to the window. He took her middle seat. Anger He claimed cabin crew told him to return to his original seat as the child next to him was an unaccompanied minor. The crew said the company's policy was not to allow adult males to sit next to unaccompanied children. But Mr Fischer said he felt he was treated as if he was a potential “child molester”. He said: “I felt humiliated and outraged. They accuse you of being some kind of child molester just because you are sitting next to someone.” Continue reading the main story We had 75,000 children fly with us last year and it is an issue we take very seriously BA spokesman BA 'victimises male passengers' Your comments Mr Fischer, who was represented by Daniel Tivadar from law firm 3 Hare Court, said there was a brief discussion and he returned to his seat but felt “embarrassed, humiliated and angry”. He complained to the airline by letter and the airline confirmed the policy, stating it related to adult males travelling alone. Mr Fischer said he was being treated differently to female passengers and therefore BA was breaking the law. He said the conversation he had with cabin crew on the flight “constituted unwanted conduct that related to his sex” and violated his dignity. He also said this consequently created an uncomfortable environment for him on the plane. He said: “There were no raised voices but we were in a public place and there were obviously people around us wondering what was happening.” BA initially defended itself and said when staff originally made the request they genuinely believed Mr Fischer was travelling alone and had no intention of embarrassing, humiliating or angering him by asking him to return to his allocated seat. Mr Fischer said he suffered “loss and damage of injury to his feelings” and had sought compensation. 'No flexibility' BA is understood to have admitted sex discrimination in Mr Fischer's case and agreed to pay