Tag Archives: modern-world

Shakira’s Ass and TItties At Some Event of the Day

I don’t know what Shakira was winning awards or presenting…and I’m too lazy to look it up…because I am only paying attention since she’s wearing a tight dress, showing off her “small, humble, but can move mountain”-Shakira, tits and the ass she likes to parade around like some kind of south american show girl booty dancing at Carnivale, cuz that South American angle is her hook….making you wonder what drug cartel her father, boyfriend, or Colombian management team was a part of to help her infiltrate the modern world with her songs….because I could use some of that Yay….it’ll likely get me laid…you know since girls love free coke…and will trade their vaginas for it more than you probably know…making that 40 dollar investment can save you 200 dollars on escort fees…not that has anything to do with this whore….but she gets enough attention…it’s time for local cokewhores everywhere to shine….

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Shakira’s Ass and TItties At Some Event of the Day