Tag Archives: mommy-breasts

First Look At Hilary Duff’s Post Baby Body

Now that Hilary Duff has squeezed a human being out of her vagina, that just sounds weird, I’ve been waiting patiently to see how her hotness has rebounded. Here she is out running some errands giving us a first look at her post baby body. Not bad. The booty looks good in those tight jeans and her new mommy breasts are quite lovely. All in all, everything looks to be in order. I don’t want to think about all the weird loose skin happening around the midriff. Eww.

Katie Cassidy’s Got Some Sweet Long Legs

I never remember exactly who this Katie Cassidy bird is, I’m pretty sure she’s David Cassidy’s daughter, but she’s got some sweet long legs on her and that’s all I really need to know. Those things seem like they go on forever, I can’t really be sure, but I’d certainly like to investigate further. I’ll wear one of those lights on my head that miners wear, I’ll pack water and food and work my way up there. If you don’t hear from me after a few hours… DO NOT come looking for me.

Miranda Kerr Drops Some Supermodel Clavage

Those CDFA things were held the other night, they’re fashion awards or something, so all kinds of the world’s most beautiful women were invited to come along. Here’s Miranda Kerr and her supermodel new mommy breasts all tarted up in a dress perfectly suited for someone as spectacular as she is. Not many women can pull off a tight evening gown with holes in various locations like Miranda can. But then again, not many women are as perfect as she is either. Heavenly. more pictures of Miranda Kerr here

Miranda Kerr’s Awesome Supermodel Breasts

It’s getting close to the weekend and I thought that some big supermodel boobs were in order to kick things off, so here are some shots of Miranda Kerr and her beautiful new mommy breasts in a sexy tight dress. I don’t think I could ask for anything more, I guess a video of the event would be nice. Maybe next time. in any case, the girl’s breasts are amazing and I want to touch them with my face. That’s all.