Tag Archives: monday-at-bad

The First Full Length The Lone Ranger Trailer Suggests It Should Be Called ‘Tonto’s Pal’

Can Johnny Depp and Gore Verbinski do for cowboys and Indians what they previously did for pirates? We’ll find out soon enough, as today we have proof that the troubled, years-in-development new version of The Lone Ranger will actually hit theaters. A new full-length trailer for next summer’s The Lone Ranger hit the web today, and it’s full of everything you’ve come to expect from the people who convinced us that the British East India Company operated in the West indies. It’s definitely an original story, but it’s also apparent that the film will treat the desert of west Texas with the same kind of cheesy awe that the Pirates films did the Caribbean, which is fine by me. The trailer shows us how Tonto and Kemosabe become pals, how the Ranger takes up the mask, and how the west Texas (actually, New Mexico) desert has some rather spectacular scenery. Incidentally, despite seeing more of Armie Hammer’s Ranger, I’m still getting the impression that Tonto is the main character. If that turns out to be the case, it’ll be an interesting twist on the Anglo-centric view of the old West. So, will this be a hit? There hasn’t been a successful filmed take on the character since The Lone Ranger and the Lost City of Gold in 1958, that film an extension of the popular TV series which ran on ABC from 1949 to 1957. The last theatrical attempt was the 1981 flop The Legend of The Lone Ranger , the less said about which, the better. And after the failure of Cowboys and Aliens , there’s a real sense that Westerns tend to flop ( Brokeback Mountain notwithstanding). It’s probably more likely that boring Westerns flop, however. More importantly, Johnny Depp remains Johnny Depp to the point that even an underperforming movie like Dark Shadows still rakes in $239 million. So what do you think? Fire off your silver bullets in comments.

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The First Full Length The Lone Ranger Trailer Suggests It Should Be Called ‘Tonto’s Pal’

‘Star Trek Into Darkness’: Cumberbatch’s Identity, Carol Marcus, And A New ‘Trek’ Villain Theory

Pulling back the curtain on Star Trek Into Darkness Monday at Bad Robot HQ, director J. J. Abrams and his Trek crew of cast and collaborators were cautious not to reveal too much information as they previewed the May 2013 blockbuster. Still, some of the most intriguing details thus far in the great “ What Is J.J. Abrams Hiding From Us? ” Trek sequel mystery emerged: Who is Benedict Cumberbatch playing? How do a certain race of staple Trek baddies figure into the plot? And, perhaps most significant: What does Alice Eve’s character, revealed to be Carol Marcus – a character very familiar to fans, from a very specific story in Trek canon – mean for Star Trek Into Darkness ? [Spoilers and speculation ahead!] Benedict Cumberbatch is… John Harrison First things first: A conveniently released/leaked still revealed that Cumberbatch’s mystery villain is named John Harrison , though some questioned whether this was a misdirection on Abrams’ part. So what do we know about him? Well, get used to the name. At Monday’s press day Cumberbatch’s character was referred to left and right as Harrison. The costumes of his on display were sleekly functional and metrosexual (one getup involved a scarf and a cobra-like cowl that would fit right in with H&M’s Winter 2259 line). The Starfleet-issued black shirt he wears in the above photo, I’m told, is the same kind Chris Pine ‘s Kirk wears in 2009’s Star Trek ; read into that what you may. I briefly spoke with Cumberbatch about the character, and while he couldn’t say much he did describe Harrison in a particular way. “He’s a terrorist ,” Cumberbatch emphasized. Still a mystery, but that brings me to… The Klingons Yes, Star Trek Into Darkness will have Klingons — we’ll even take a trip to the Klingon home planet of Qo’noS. Although a dozen Klingons were outfitted in STID ‘s semi-throwback Klingon style (pierced ridged bridges and all), only two seem to have prominent speaking roles in the film, which required new prosthetic designs for ease of speaking. They sport armored helmets and familiar Klingon weapons, including a bayonet-like Klingon rifle, a pistol, and bat’leth. Most curious of all: I’d swear one mannequin dressed in Harrison’s garb also sported a Klingon rifle slung around its shoulders… Next: Alice Eve is Carol Marcus — and a NEW Trek villain theory so crazy it just might work…

‘Star Trek Into Darkness’: Cumberbatch’s Identity, Carol Marcus, And A New ‘Trek’ Villain Theory