Tag Archives: months-off-work

Teacher Fakes Illness, Skips School for a Year

Nice try, Ashley Barker. No, really, we mean that: very, very, very nice try. The first grade teacher at Laurel Elementary School in Polk County, Florida has finally admitted that she lied for an entire year about her and her father having a terminal illness, a fib that essentially gave her months off work. School officials took Barker (above, left) at her word for a long time, permitting her to often leave early and take full days off. As part of her ruse, Barker sent the principal over 120 letters regarding the disease from which she and her dad were supposedly suffering. When finally confronted over the misdirection, Barker reportedly gave in and told bosses the truth: she had simply been at home, hanging out. The school is now trying to terminate the lying teacher, but Barker has hired an attorney to fight for her job.

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Teacher Fakes Illness, Skips School for a Year