Tag Archives: more-confidence

Heidi Montag Breaks Down, Says Mom "Ripped" Her Heart Out on The Hills

Back in 2010, Heidi Montag  underwent 10 cosmetic procedures , which was featured on the cover of People Magazine. When The Hills premiered, Montag's new look was a major storyline, and cameras captured her trip to Crested Butte, Colorado, where she would show her mother, Darlene the New Heidi Montag. Except…things didn't go as planned. “It’s very weird and awkward,” Darlene began after she and Montag sat down on the couch. “You risked your life to do the things that you did. You had an elective surgery that was completely unnecessary,” Darlene went on. “I feel like when you left home, you had more confidence and self-esteem than anyone I had ever met.” Montag was searching for a more positive response, not prepared for what her mother was about to admit. “How do I say that I thought you were more beautiful before?” Darlene asked her daughter. “But, yes. I thought you were much more beautiful before. I’m hoping some of this will fade and go away.” Things quickly soured between them, and now – thanks to Lifetime's new show, The Mother/Daughter Experiment: Celebrity Edition – we get to see them heal. Yay! “Darlene, how does it feel that Heidi thinks you sold her out,” the therapist asked. “I was just desperate to communicate with her in any way, and I just thought that was the only way I could do it.  I would do anything to be able to take that back,” Darlene admitted. “I honestly felt like you ripped my heart out of my soul when I needed you so badly,” Montag said through tears. The series premieres tonight at 10pm on Lifetime.  

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Heidi Montag Breaks Down, Says Mom "Ripped" Her Heart Out on The Hills

Gallup Poll Finds Continuing Mistrust of Newspapers, Television News

Lymari Morales at Gallup reports that confidence in the news media remains low. Remember when they suggest high negatives for politicians, they are hardly popular, either. They’re “on par with Americans’ lackluster confidence in banks and slightly better than their dismal rating of Health Management Organizations and big business .” The report began: Americans continue to express near-record-low confidence in newspapers and television news — with no more than 25% of Americans saying they have a “great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in either. These views have hardly budged since falling more than 10 percentage points from 2003-2007…. The decline in trust since 2003 is also evident in a 2009 Gallup poll that asked about confidence and trust in the “mass media” more broadly . While perceptions of media bias present a viable hypothesis, Americans have not over the same period grown any more likely to say the news media are too conservative or too liberal . One of the ironies of Gallup’s annual Confidence in Institutions survey is that young Americans express the most trust in newspapers — while they’re the least likely to read them. That certainly paints a picture of blind trust:   Confidence is hard to find, even among Democrats and liberals, who have historically been the most trusting of the news media. While 18- to 29-year-olds express more trust in newspapers than most older Americans, Gallup polling has found they read national newspapers the least . Younger Americans also expressed more confidence than older Americans in several other institutions tested, including Congress, the medical system, and the criminal justice system, suggesting younger Americans are more confident in institutions in general. Perhaps the most interesting part of this survey comes in the chart. If you look at 1993 and compare it to 2010, newspapers haven’t fallen too far, from 31 percent with “a great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence then to 25 percent now. But television news has fallen much harder: from 46 percent in 1993 to 22 percent now.

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Gallup Poll Finds Continuing Mistrust of Newspapers, Television News