Woah…King George Day is getting hot and bothered when Liz Hurley participates in it…even at 50 years old and all menopausal and shit she still has it in her to get manhandled by dudes with expensive watches…in front of everyone…to add some kind of spice to her life…because I guess her vagina hasn’t completely dried up yet, and even if it did, she could use lube to trick a motherfucker into thinking it’s still functional…I mean with a body like that, dry sex would still be fun, and in my defense Dry Sex is all I know, because I have this skill I call making even the most lubricated bitch dry…Some dudes make girls get their period…all fertile and hormonal, I make girls hit menopause early…it’s my move.. All this to say, Liz Hurley’s still got it going on. To See the Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE
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Liz Hurley Slutting Out for King George Day of the Day