Tag Archives: most-optimistic

Must See: TEPCO Releases Video From Unmanned Helicopter Drones Above Fukushima As Robots Are Finally Used In Restoration Effort


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On Friday, April 15, TEPCO released what is the most conclusive video of the devastation at Fukushima. After watching these three clips we fail to see how even the most optimistic of individuals see the situation as resolving with anything but entombment, which however judging by the urgency in Japan’s actions will be the first even on the agenda…in 2015. In other Fukushima news, we learn that after… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : zero hedge Discovery Date : 17/04/2011 17:09 Number of articles : 2

Must See: TEPCO Releases Video From Unmanned Helicopter Drones Above Fukushima As Robots Are Finally Used In Restoration Effort

Rep. Joe Barton: Republicans Will Repeal Health Care Reform If It Passes

On a conference call last month, Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio) hedged a little bit on the question of whether Republicans, if they won a congressional majority in 2010, would repeal a health care bill passed by the 111th Congress. Rep

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Rep. Joe Barton: Republicans Will Repeal Health Care Reform If It Passes