Tag Archives: motion-bikini

Miranda Kerr for Trends Health Magazine of the Day

I asked my facebook friends about a rumor I had heard about a Victoria’s Secret model…basically the rumor is that it is a known fact that one fo the VS model…past or present…recently accepted 1,000,000 dollars to have sex, we’re talking one night, with a very very rich dude who can afford to drop a million dollars on a pussy… I heard the guy was fat and disgusting, clearly if he’s willing to pay a model a million dollars, he’s slimey as fuck… Eveyrone on Facebook called out Miranda Kerr as the girl who did it… Now I’ve heard all kinds of rumors about her, from Fucking Bieber, to other billionares in her baby daddy circle…throwing away her contract…but a high paid escort, who we would all fuck for one night foa a million dollars, but is still a fucking escort…is just the next level of obvious, expected, considering everything, but still trashy, which I guess comes with the territory…I mean she’s hot bodied, has good fake tits, but that doesn’t mean she’s a self respecting lady…or classy…I mean she’s Australian…you know how Australians are… That said, here she is in a magazine, because Magazine appearances are key to getting million dollar sex offers…and million dollar sex offers are pretty fucking awesome for any girl.. I never pay more than 100 dollars. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ FOLLOW ME…. FOLLOW ME INTO THE DARKNESS ON SOCIAL MEDIA: INSTAGRAM | FACEBOOK | TWITTER | TUMBLR | SNAPCHAT FOLLOW ME ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The post Miranda Kerr for Trends Health Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Miranda Kerr for Trends Health Magazine of the Day

Eva Longoria’s Slow Motion Bikini of the Day

Eva Longoria is insanely famous internationally…I have no idea why… She’s not so famous on instagram, I know nobodies, who weren’t on a TV show or married to a black athlete…who have more of an audience…. Which makes me ask the question of who is actually more important in the world, the instagram girl, or the whore who fucked the right producer to get on TV, because they whore who fucked the right producer to get on TV has money and budget to be the biggest thing on instagran, while these instagram hookers do it grass roots, from the ground up, in a little DIY… Sure they don’t get the same pay for campaigns, or jobs, but not everyhting is money, somtimes what is important for your self esteem is likes.. That said, here’s Eva’s boxy body, black dudes love, in slow motion in a bkkini while I go look for random girls tanning in bikinis, which in a landlocked city with no beach…is hard…even though it’s full of french strippers…who I guess are probably still asleep from all the full contact lap dancing…right… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ FOLLOW ME…. FOLLOW ME INTO THE DARKNESS ON SOCIAL MEDIA: INSTAGRAM | FACEBOOK | TWITTER | TUMBLR | SNAPCHAT FOLLOW ME ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The post Eva Longoria’s Slow Motion Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Eva Longoria’s Slow Motion Bikini of the Day