Tag Archives: mrs. carter tour

Petty Hurts: Funniest Reactions To Beyonce’s Walmart Takeover

Queen Beysus may have won 2013 with a bold surprise album that sold 617K copies in three days, epic promo campaign and brilliant Walmart takeover/EPIC shading of Target that only she could achieve in 2013. Here are the funniest reactions to Beyonce’s Walmart takeout. Take a look.

Originally posted here:
Petty Hurts: Funniest Reactions To Beyonce’s Walmart Takeover

He Say/She Say: 10 Infamous Celebrity Rumors That Will NEVER Die

Juicy celebrity rumors are guilty pleasures in our scandal-obsessed society. The filthier the rumor, the more infamous (and widely-believed) it grows over time. Whether true or false , it doesn’t matter and never will. Here are the ten most infamous celebrity rumors that will NEVER die.

Continued here:
He Say/She Say: 10 Infamous Celebrity Rumors That Will NEVER Die