Tag Archives: much-weirder

Top 10 Selena Gomez Implants at an Event of the Day

#456834600 / gettyimages.com Here’s some Selena Gomez at some premiere in a red dress showing off her tits – that could be a push up bra – that could be implants – that could be chicken cutlets…or that could be implants she lets Beiber cum all over… I think this is the biggest news of the day – so we can all go collectively kill ourselves now. #456829444 / gettyimages.com #456829408 / gettyimages.com Sometimes 3 is the same as 10…when you’re lazy and half assed like me… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Top 10 Selena Gomez Implants at an Event of the Day

Creepy Shoot for Vogue Italia of the Day

Here’s a creepy shoot by Vogue Italia that I like to think is for Halloween, and that I figure I would challenge you all to masturbate, but figure you’ve already masturbated to so much weirder shit than a model dressed like a vintage mannequin, because you’re room is already filled with them because you found them in the dumpster and found them beautiful…and more affordable than the sex doll you were saving up for…I mean..in order to get you off – we will need to push things further than this – but I still think it’s cool…

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Creepy Shoot for Vogue Italia of the Day

The Sorcerer’s Apprentice Needs to Fetch Nic Cage a Lozenge

Andy Samberg and Reba McEntire: Two Worlds Collide

Andy Samberg has been on a boat , and rapped about a lazy Sunday .

Go here to see the original:
Andy Samberg and Reba McEntire: Two Worlds Collide