Woman Shows Her Bush on Top of Car Stripper Gets Slapped Outside Strip Club in Houston Truck Crushed By it’s Own Cargo Wine Bottle Face Smash Passing a Kidney Stone…the Musical Man Tries to Kill Himself By Slamming his Head Store Owner Suplexes Theif Girl Gets Punched in the Face During a Fight Big Girl VS Little Girl Art Basel Miami Beach Installation Piece – THe Bank Robber Shot…and Killed Two Guys in Baltimore Caught on Fire – For the Festival of Light The post Naked Lady Dancing to Church Music and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Here’s a Beats by Dre owned by Apple and sponsored by Apple music video…because EVEN music videos are ads….it’s like I don’t even know what they are selling, is it Selena Gomez, is it her music career, is it her music, is it her tour, or is it APple and bitch is just a drone? Who cares, what matters is that she realizes people only watch or give a fuck to her music if she’s half naked in high waisted lingerie.. That’s how talentless she is, she’s like “Look, my awkward body can be cute enough to make you sit through my nonsense….see”….. If you don’t like that, here’s Selena Gomez Crotch Shot in Jeans of the Day The post Selena Gomez in High Waisted Lingerie for her Music of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
This morning Christina Elizabeth went on the Madd Hatta Morning Show to further discuss her relationship with Alica Keys husband Swizz Beatz. We took the liberty of chopping up some of the best parts of the interview for you to check out below. On allegations of being a fame whore and trying to get her music career started with this controversy: “Um, I did not intend for this to happen first of all. If would have been in this for…fame, I would’ve done it a long time ago.” Christina also took a moment to acknowledge and apologize for her role in the whole scandal: “I’ll will just put this out there, I don’t…we all make mistakes. We all…screw up somehow, and I do not condone this. I mean, this has happened to me plenty of times before. I’ve been cheated on, lied to, I been this, and that, and the other, and I mean when you’re hurt you do things that hurt other people. I’m sorry to say that and I know I was wrong, I’m not sayin’ I was right. I know I was wrong, and I do apologize.” In regards to how people would receive her music if she were to drop something now while the spotlight is on: “I think the industry is pushed by money, so if they see dollar signs they’re gonna go after it.” She also spoke on whether or not she has feelings for Swizzy still and would want to be with him. “No, I don’t think so, I don’t think so. Even at the age of 19 I wasn’t like ‘Oh, I’ma be with him. I saw the reality of it all I guess.” What you think of Christina? Do you buy her apology? Would you listen to her music after this? Go HERE to watch the interview in full