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Seriously? Donald Trump Calls To “Totally And Completely” Ban Muslims From The USA

Donald Trump Calls To Ban Muslims From Entering US Has Donald Trump finally made a statement that not even his most rabid supporters would get behind? Donald made it clear that he firmly stands for discrimination based on country of origin , and now based on religious grounds, stating that the US needs to shut down immigration to all Muslims entering the US, whether for long-term immigration or short-term tourism — including Americans of Islamic faith who currently happen to be out of the country and are looking to return home. Via MailOnline : Donald Trump today called for ‘a total and complete shutdown’ of Muslim immigration into America. In a dramatic intervention in the wake of the San Bernardino massacre, the Republican frontrunner claimed the country was at risk of ‘horrendous attacks by people that believe only in jihad’. Citing one poll that found that 25 percent of Muslims ‘agreed that violence against Americans here in the United States is justified as a part of the global Jihad,’ Trump said hatred by Muslims toward Americans ‘is beyond comprehension.’ Immigration needed to be halted ‘until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on,’ the campaign wrote. Trump, and many of his GOP rivals, had already called on the Obama Administration to halt bringing in 10,000 Syrian refugees during the aftermath of the Nov. 13 ISIS attacks in Paris. At the time, Trump said he would prefer to just take in Christian refugees. And as for the millions of practicing Muslims already living here… Trump has also talked about increasing surveillance of mosques and creating a database for Muslims [already] living in the country. This new statement is taking it a step further, suggesting that all Muslims be banned from entering the United States. When asked to articulate who would be included in this plan – Muslim immigrants or American Muslims who are currently abroad – Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks told The Hill: ‘Mr. Trump says, “everyone.”‘ Tourists and those seeking immigration visas would also be told no. Hmmm… first no Mexicans…now no Muslims. Donald sure is working his way through the spectrum of brown people. We suspect it’s only a matter of time before he trickles on over to his master plan for Black folks… Funny how we haven’t heard his plan for all the radial “Christian” white men that attack this nation with domestic terror at frightening rates. Either way, even other Republicans are saying this idea is bigoted at best, and dumb as all hell at worst. Does this mean we are FINALLY finished with Donald the Clown??

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Seriously? Donald Trump Calls To “Totally And Completely” Ban Muslims From The USA