Here’s Irish model/singer/actress and my latest crush Nadia Forde on her way into something called The Saturday Night Show in Dublin. So just to recap, she’s putting on a sweet leg show and she doesn’t have anything better to do on her Saturday night? See, I knew we were perfect for each other! » view all 21 photos Photos:
I’m a little disappointed in you perverts. See, after I posted those shots of Nadia Forde here earlier in the week and asked for your help in finding out more about my latest crush, nobody got in touch with me to give me the lowdown on the hottie, or her number, or her regular jogging route. Do I have to do everything myself? Anyway, here’s Nadia looking mighty fine once again at the opening of a new H&M in Dublin and according to my research, she’s apparently an Irish model/singer/actress/reality star/instant pants fire and now, an official future ex-Mrs. Tuna. I told you guys she looked talented. Photos:
I know I’m supposed to be up on all the latest busty hotties out there, but it’s a full-time job just keeping track of which ones I already proposed to. So can anyone help me out and tell me who this Nadia Forde chick is? Because after seeing these pictures of her at the European premiere of Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb in London, I only know two things about her: that she’s clearly very “talented,” and that I’m pretty sure I’m in love. You can feel love in your pants, right? » view all 22 photos Photos: Continue reading →
I’m aware that I say this all the time, but I really don’t know who these Nadia Forde and Eva Ward girls are, not that I really care, I mean they’re hot and they’re modeling lingerie so that’s something right? Anyhow, it’s Thanksgiving and I’m hungover and feel like spending the rest of the day on the couch until it’s time for my Meals on Wheels turkey dinner to get here, and there’s no better way than with some half naked chicks. Enjoy. more pictures of Nadia Forde and Eva Ward here