Tag Archives: name-as-their

Jessica Simpson’s Instagram Bikini Pics of the Day

There’s some story going around that Jessica Simpson is changing her name to Jessica Johnson…because she got married…and it is still a traditional thing for some women to do…because they want the same last name as their kids…and they like the idea of changing their name for their man…despite what all the feminists are pissed off about…you know up on some “It’s no a man’s world anymore, don’t let him dominate you girl”…bullshit.. I mean she’s a fucking Texan Christian with a homo dad who was once of the church…who raised her in the church…before hollywood put the devil in his pants…doesn’t mean this girl doesn’t want some level of white girl normalcy after years of being a sinner… Or maybe her man really did gold dig her hard…with solid mind fucks…either way, she can go back to her maiden name when she gets a divorce and in the meantime let’s appreciate her being fit, busty and in a bathing suit…because ultimately…who cares what she fucking calls herself…it’s not she matters in any of our lives…except maybe when shopping for Christmas gifts for your wife you hate at K-Mart….

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Jessica Simpson’s Instagram Bikini Pics of the Day